Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [not/n't] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had to edit ten years of your memories , a lot of which were n't edifying .
2 Schools which were not thinking in such adventurous terms should easily be able to avoid ‘ a narrow and unproductive concentration ’ on the three core subjects of English , maths and science .
3 It was for both of us a temporary refuge from a reality which was n't giving either of us much joy .
4 A holiday , which was n't going to happen because a travel firm went bust , has now been saved … all because of a chance conversation in a car-park .
5 Which was n't saying much , she 'd thought gloomily , glancing down at the brief scraps of material .
6 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
7 Harvard trainees , while waiting for dealing licences to be sent from the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) , were given the job of establishing initial contact with persons whose names were Perfectly properly provided by Dun and Bradstreet , the American business information service , which was not dealing at all .
8 People were comparing their 1992–93 charge with just the ‘ water services ’ charge they paid in 1991–92 which was not comparing like with like , he said .
9 Therefore the Japanese switched tactics and attacked together with fighters and dive bombers which was not according to Genda 's careful plan .
10 Miss Shand added that there had already been a payment of £50,000 by the board , which was not opposing the move for a second payment of the same amount .
11 Corrigan felt it was important , in his study of the boys in an urban secondary school , to create a role for himself which was not threatening to them :
12 The lawyer said that the reason for this was to provide justification for opening fire on a car which was not endangering anyone 's life .
13 What was n't sitting well was those sapphire eyes studying her with such disturbing intensity that she felt stripped to her soul !
14 He would n't say what was n't working out , though I guess it was the sexual frustration and not being able to put a date on setting up home together .
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