Example sentences of "[Wh det] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such theories also opened up other fields in which to search for inspiration .
2 This is not the occasion on which to go into detail , but I think that the Minister should be aware of the problem .
3 It was no longer , as one captain from a large fleet remarked to me , enough to give crews videos to watch and gymnasiums in which to work off steam while on board .
4 This has been presumed to be desirable , as the only way in which to guard against indoctrination and rampant subjectivism .
5 It is the sea on which to surf at noon ,
6 Of course , those who provide such care in the context of a lifetime of love have another frame of reference upon which to draw for satisfaction .
7 Or , select a suitable area in which to descend below cloud and land visually at a suitable airfield .
8 So Regan , anxious for an alternative theoretical platform from which to put into orbit his conviction that the immediate and absolute prohibition of all exploitation of animals is imperative , proposes his theory of ‘ inherent value ’ to serve the purpose .
9 Thus if the chargee is entitled to payment on demand he is not required to give the company a reasonable time in which to raise the funds to make payment and is only required to give the company time in which to put into effect the mechanics of payment .
10 The Conservative governments of the 1980s saw school admissions as a key area in which to put into practice some of the New Right ideas about introducing free market principles into the education system , whilst at the same time deriving political capital from giving some legal recognition to parents ' ‘ moral right ’ to choose how their children are educated .
11 That gives us a far stronger base from which to campaign on trade union law than we have had before .
12 Consequently , it is an ideal location which to study in detail the interrelation between the structure of employment in the labour market and the structure of the domestic division of labour : that is , how work outside the home affects work inside the home , and vice versa .
13 Its institutional imprecision and evident anachronism weakened it as the basis for a compromise settlement ; whatever its intention , the fate of the Persian Manifesto was to serve as a base from which to sally against liberalism and all its works .
14 If we 're able to use it the cold may win us a few days in which to withdraw to bed and grieve gently for ourselves ; if not at least we can weep openly at work , blowing our nose and wiping our eyes , and get a little consideration and sympathy from others for our sad lot .
15 We explored the hamlet then chose a new-looking building offering ‘ Bed and Breakfast ’ from which to ask for water .
16 But the first requirement is for Mr Bush , who has the best bully pulpit from which to push for change , to show that whatever happens to oil prices he remains serious about fashioning an energy strategy .
17 We also reject the belief that knowing how to use terminology in which to speak of language is undesirable .
18 Jardine saw opium as the only source of ready Chinese currency , with which to trade in silk , tea , and other items .
19 not to hold itself out as being entitled in any way whatsoever to contract on behalf of the Publisher unless previously agreed in writing
20 not to hold itself out as being entitled in any way whatsoever to contract on behalf of the Publisher
21 not to hold itself out as being entitled in any way whatsoever to contract on behalf of the Publisher
22 not to hold itself out as being entitled in any way whatsoever to contract on behalf of the Publisher .
23 Persuading trout to rise has nothing whatsoever to do with weather conditions , casting technique or the selection of flies .
24 There are many reasons why we eat — and a number of them have nothing whatsoever to do with hunger or even a liking for a particular type of food .
25 Esther , who had always been deeply bored with Delia and had no wish whatsoever to keep in touch with her , sat quietly in the smooth , upholstered , comfortable , large toffee-brown Volvo , which smelled of dog .
26 It was obvious from that answer that the Secretary of State has nothing whatsoever to say about steel .
27 It will then be up to local Health Authorities and Hospital Trusts to decide for themselves what to invest in management development , if Conservative Government remains .
28 ‘ During the day I tend to wear classic , comfortable clothes , but knowing what to wear for evening poses a real problem , ’ she explained .
29 On the other hand , if you fancy a night in , take a closer look at TV pubs with top critic Hilary Kingsley , while following Barrie Pepper 's advice on what to drink at home .
30 She had n't known what to expect of marriage , not precisely .
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