Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 To prevent the transmission of body fluids ( which may carry HIV ; this includes vaginal fluids and menstrual blood ) between you and your partner during oral sex , you hold the dam stretched across your partner 's clitoris , labia , vagina and anus .
2 ALEXANDER ARROWSMITH continues our in-depth Koi series by looking at the many diseases which may affect Koi .
3 The market has probably discounted a 0.5 per cent German increase which may allow UK base rates to remain at 14 per cent .
4 The new agreement increases the likelihood of the cross licensing of hardware products , which may see ICL selling Amdahl hardware and Sparc systems being traded between the companies , something ICL and Fujitsu already do .
5 Other factors independent of diabetes which may elevate HDL levels in a particular patient include moderate alcohol intake ( Hulley et al , 1979 ) , exercise ( Hartung et al , 1980 ) , ethnic origin ( Pacy et al , 1985 ) and oestrogens ( Bradley et al , 1978 ) .
6 The Directive allows more stringent requirements and therefore it would seem that the present UK practice ( and its lower initial threshold ) can be continued , which may help UK companies fearful of predators .
7 But he had already scored both Arsenal goals — which may surprise Graham Taylor , who picked him for his England squad only to be told he 's not fit enough .
8 This means that the job of the new Treasury Chief Secretary takes on a significance which may unnerve Michael Portillo .
9 The deal , which should enable BP to restart output soon , is the first of its type involving a major international oil company since the Venezuelan industry was nationalised in 1976 .
10 At the current exchange rate , that is barely $1 — a price which should make Russia competitive with producers like Indonesia .
11 Up front , Quins will miss Jason Leonard , which should leave Bath as the superior scrummaging unit .
12 Carl Prean , another former holder of the Top 12 who beat Douglas in the final of the Classic , is absent in Germany , which should give Cooke a better chance to revive his fortunes , although he does have two talented teenagers Matthew Syed and Michael O'Driscoll in his group .
13 The DECpc AXP/150 and DECpc 560 ST will support Intel Corp 's Pentium Peripheral Connect Interface bus specification , which should allow NT applications running on either platform to interoperate .
14 It suggests criteria the Welsh Office should use to define Green Belts , all of which should win CPRW 's support .
15 Boro rescued the situation with Phillips 's match-winner which should put Boro in good heart for three successive home matches next week .
16 The course developed by Newcastle poly which should become Northumbria University next month is a one-stop route to becoming a trainee solicitor .
17 The doctors ' inference appears legitimate and one which should worry Mr Fallon in the delicate weeks before the election .
18 The problem for any new supra-authority will be to sort out its priorities , which must benefit London as a whole rather than local short-term interests .
19 More than one-third of the new volume is filled by various indices which must make Monet the most fully cross-referenced of artists .
20 In as far as the plotters hoped to engineer a state of affairs which might enable Japan to occupy substantial parts of Manchuria , the plot failed .
21 Other NATO matters , such as the introduction of a multinational command structure with a European as supreme commander , and new ideas on changes which might enable France to rejoin NATO 's military command [ see below ] , were also understood to have been raised .
22 Syria sponsored the recent reconciliation between Iraq 's external opposition groups ( see box on previous page ) , which might give Mr Assad useful influence with a post-war government in Iraq .
23 You see , I 've been offered a great deal of money for information which might discredit Alan Dysart : anything scandalous from his past or present .
24 A PICTURE of incompetence , lack of urgency and eagerness to hide anything which might embarrass Whitehall is revealed in yesterday 's 170-page report by the Ombudsman , Sir Anthony Barrowclough , on the the Department of Trade 's handling of Barlow Clowes .
25 He assured councillors that officers would keep a close eye on any move which might affect RAF Valley .
26 Hickson and Jacques severed direct contact with each other ; Shearman and Pateman had a major disagreement over a question of loyalty to the WEA , and the two new university resident tutors were not informed of the proposed developments nor invited to comment on the proposals which might affect Essex and Norfolk .
27 This can be expanded to provide a relatively clear theoretical conformation for an elite which might fit Mosca 's model .
28 ‘ After all , ’ she thought , ‘ why say something which might upset Hans ? ’
29 Chinese officials expressed anger at his reform package and , according to the Far Eastern Economic Review of Nov. 5 , threatened retaliation which could make Hong Kong virtually ungovernable in the five remaining years of British rule .
30 She was already regretting her hasty words , which could make Doreen look upon her as a rival , when of course such a thought was ridiculous .
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