Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be take " in BNC.

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1 There is thus a proliferation of public examinations of a practical kind , any of which may be taken at the new schools , of which the GCSE seems to be only one , if it is to be taken at all .
2 Where odours arising from offensive trades are , however , in the opinion of the local authority a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 the local authority is under a duty to take action to seek the odour 's abatement and compliance with the byelaws bestows no immunity in respect of any action which may be taken using the statutory nuisance provisions , nor in respect of any action for a private or public nuisance at common law .
3 The languages offered are French ( post ‘ A ’ level ) , Spanish ( post ‘ A ’ level ) and German ( which may be taken either post ‘ A ’ level or ab initio ) .
4 Sometimes there is a curious line of dots curved into an arc shape , which may be taken to represent a rainbow or perhaps the Milky Way .
5 It is clear that the ‘ costs charges and expenses ’ referred to both in the legal mortgage of 18 February 1985 ( which may be taken as typical of all the mortgage deeds ) and in the guarantee and debenture of 6 June 1985 may include both costs charges and expenses of or incidental to litigation ( which we will for convenience refer to as ‘ litigation costs ’ ) and costs , charges and expenses incurred otherwise than in connection with litigation ( ‘ non-litigation costs ’ ) .
6 Any abuse of the Flexible Working Hours facility can result in its withdrawal , in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken .
7 This is a formal step which may be taken by the agent or by the local solicitor .
8 A consultant 's job can be divided roughly into three areas of work , all of which are interrelated , but each of which may be taken and given as a separate service .
9 An afterthought , but one which may be taken as a portent of the future , was that Marks was not deterred by this initial failure .
10 As a matter of drafting it is important to ensure that the grounds are treated as separate so that any one of which may be taken by the remaining partners as justifying the service of an expulsion notice .
11 4 The action which may be taken .
12 Most of our competitions offer moderate prizes which may be taken advantage of by staff in all parts of the company .
13 All expenses are paid by the band 's members as with any hobby , so an accountant does n't need to be involved , although there are certain precautionary steps which should be taken at this early stage .
14 Soil and climate , which should be taken together , determine the land potential ( see Chapter 2 ) and largely dictate the main types of farming — arable , stock-rearing , fattening , dairying , etc. — that are most likely to be viable .
15 Whether or not the advantages to the business of imposing a change outweigh the disadvantages to the employee is one of the factors which should be taken into account .
16 The following is a checklist of the first three considerations which should be taken into account before anything else :
17 As ground tuition can amount to thirty or forty hours , it can be a significant cost , adding an extra £60–£600 to a PPL course , which should be taken into account when comparing flying rates .
18 DB32 , as it became colloquially known , was the long awaited planners ' guide , advising on the considerations which should be taken into account in the layout of residential roads and footpaths in new housing schemes , as well as in improvement areas .
19 The other side of R6 has a wire attached which should be taken to the common ( -V ) foil track on the main board .
20 An easier edit is to let the hand reach the goat 's back and to cut to close-up for the patting , a shot which should be taken from a different angle to the medium shot .
21 The first step which should be taken by employers wishing to improve individual employees ' attitudes towards relocation is to provide counselling .
22 Reputable test publishers in conjunction with the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission have issued guidance on the steps which should be taken to unsure that tests do not discriminate unfairly .
23 Rather they are considerations which should be taken into account by drivers in seeking to pursue their own destinations .
24 — Developing an analysis of society and the Church which will isolate the key tasks which should be taken up by the prophetic sector in the Church .
25 The Court of Appeal was clearly divided as to the approach which should be taken with regard to economic loss .
26 Most lenders ' discounts are for a limited period only , after which you will revert to paying the standard rate — this table provides a guide to lenders ' competitiveness , which should be taken into account when making your mortgage choice .
27 Lord Keith then seeks to distinguish the approach which should be taken in Webb from the ruling in James v Eastleigh Borough Council on the ground that Ms Webb was not dismissed simply because she was pregnant but because she would be unavailable for work at the critical period .
28 Erm I I get the impression from what you 're saying is that there is a distinct strategic view which should be taken about York and its role , which in a way would tend to limit the amount of housing development you should be putting in and around York .
29 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
30 Yesterday , an appeal was also set up for adults and children 's clothes and shoes , which should be taken to the council headquarters at Bodlondeb , Conwy .
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