Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be of " in BNC.

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1 Such then , in extremely broad terms , is the essence of the nature-culture opposition , an opposition which , as I hope to show , provides one clue as to the perceived gender differentials in blood within Judaism and which may be of help in establishing an ( oppositional ) link between circumcision and menstrual taboo .
2 Plasmids are often symbionts rather than parasites : that is , they benefit rather than injure their hosts , for example by carrying with them properties such as drug resistance which may be of value to the host cell .
3 There are several other crops which may be of use to you to suit particular conditions .
4 And , of course , talk of cost must never overlook what are known as opportunity costs : time , effort , and money spent on one thing necessarily means a lost opportunity to spend them on something else , which may be of just as much value .
5 Space considerations dictate that detailed vocabularies are not possible in these present pages , but the following volumes contain wordlists which may be of value : Anglo-Saxon England by Sir Frank .
6 The technique , has been existent for some years , and should provide information which may be of use in identifying high levels of expenditure within a particular specialty within a district , and should be of value in assisting local planning .
7 Ariadne 's paragraph on dissolving aniseed balls used as timing devices in a World War II limpet mine ( 10 March p 700 ) , recalls to mind another technical feature of this mine which may be of interest .
8 In reply to Mr Pikes letter ( EE April ‘ 92 ) I have some information which may be of some use .
9 Another publication which may be of help with artists ' methods and materials , is ‘ Artists ’ Materials , Which , Why and How ’ , published by A&C Black .
10 However , later in this chapter there are some general suggestions which may be of assistance to those who will be responsible for incorporating into statements modifications to the National Curriculum requirements .
11 It is a good idea to spend some time initially on familiarising yourself with your nursing library , and any specialist collections which may be of use to you .
12 Although they tend to fit one pencil size only , there are rather more expensive holders available for use with wide pencils and industrial chalks which may be of some help to artists .
13 The above findings suggest there are some additional therapeutic strategies which may be of value in limiting the effects of phenylalanine .
14 An alternative , indeed additional , remedy which may be of help to an aggrieved investor is that provided by s.61 of the FSA .
15 Common male fetish objects , which may be of minor significance to the individual concerned , are breasts , legs , hair , shoes and underwear .
16 The following is a selected list of contacts arising from this report which may be of interest to readers , particularly those interested in commercial development .
17 LRDA produces a monthly listing of vacant properties in the region which may be of interest to you if you are still seeking workshop premises .
18 An investigation into approaches and tools which may be of assistance in obtaining satisfactory loading efficiency .
19 we are trying to identify the appropriate person in their organisation to whom we should write concerning a business opportunity which may be of interest to them .
20 A member of the Society has drawn attention to a point which arises in connection with the payment of sickness benefit under the National Insurance Acts which may be of interest to other members of the Society .
21 We communicate with each other through a variety of methods — by the staff newsletter ; by Office Notices ( which may be of three types — mandatory , advisory , and informative ) ; by internal memos and notes ; committee minutes , and by word of mouth .
22 Another factor which may be of relevance is the potentially carcinogenic substrate ( N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosamides ) formed with achlorhydria in the fairly large gastric remnant ( rumen and antrum ) after fundectomy .
23 During employment the employee may damage his employer 's business in the following ways : ( a ) working for a competitor during his hours of employment ; ( b ) working for a competitor in his spare time ; ( c ) making preparations in order to compete with his employer after he has left ; ( d ) disclosing or using the employer 's business secrets ; or ( e ) failing to disclose information which may be of use to his employer and in some instances personally profiting from its use .
24 The important points which emerge from this case are that the employer will be able to rely on this part of the duty of fidelity if it can be shown that the employee works for a trade competitor in his spare time and : ( a ) knows of business secrets which may be of use to the competitor and/or ( b ) occupies a position which makes it expedient to recognise the existence of his duty to work for the employer alone .
25 There is a full discussion of this case at p76. 1.5 The employee 's duty to disclose to his employer information which may be of use to that employer ( and not personally to profit from it ) If , during the course of employment , an employee receives information which is or may reasonably be relevant to his employer 's business then he is under a duty : ( a ) to disclose all relevant information received to the employer ; and ( b ) not to use that information for his or another 's benefit unless the employer consents .
26 it matures on a year by year basis which may be of interest .
27 Instead of nutrient content per 100 g , the authorities have related their figures to average portion sizes , which should be of practical value to dietitians , health care workers and the food industry .
28 It is corporate failures and the auditor 's role in them which should be of fundamental concern to professionals charged with protecting the public interest — not with their economic self-interest , which is a secondary issue in professionalised activity .
29 In spite of minor reservations this is a release which should be of interest both to specialists and lovers of the early baroque .
30 When the cream is ready , spoon it into glasses , which should be of very small capacity ( 2 to 2 ½ oz. ) but filled to overflowing .
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