Example sentences of "[Wh det] [det] this [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The abyss which all this opens up is , perhaps , terrifying before it is ‘ depressing ’ .
2 What all this points to is money in people 's pockets .
3 For the moment let me repeat that what all this seems to point to as natural is the self-imposed exile which will allow the artist figure , whether Stephen or Joyce himself , to create a new world , with the language of the writer as his ticket , his lifeline , his rescue .
4 Maybe it 's not easy to see what all this has to do with cancer , but you must bear with me if I tell you that it has .
5 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
6 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
7 What all this suggests is that people themselves may anticipate that a particular type of credit would be difficult for them to arrange , and therefore simply do not apply for it .
8 That 's what 's been going around the common room and that 's what all this adds up to . ’
9 I shall not attempt to draw too explicit a conclusion as to what all this adds up to : that will have to be left to historians .
10 What all this amounts to is a proviso that research based on samples of five hundred , a thousand , or more individuals should not be uncritically accepted as ‘ good ’ research while surveys using small samples , say a hundred or less , are dismissed as invalid .
11 What all this amounts to , among other things , is that in translating pronouns from English to , say , French , Italian , Greek , Spanish , Russian , German , or Bahasa Indonesia , decisions may have to be made along such dimensions as gender , degree of intimacy between participants , or whether reference includes or excludes the addressee .
12 ‘ What worries me most , ’ she said , ‘ is what all this rushing around is doing to Zachary .
13 What all this indicates is that creatures — human or otherwise — are aware , are conscious , of danger to life and limb .
14 What all this means in practice is that the engine seems a pretty good performer .
15 I do n't know what all this means . ’
16 What all this means is that if non-Tories get the bit between their teeth , they have a chance .
17 What all this means is that going through a black hole is unlikely to prove a popular and reliable method of space travel .
18 What all this means is that in common with all other performance figures Whetstone and Dhrystone should be regarded as performance indicators rather than as absolute measurements .
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