Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But for some people the austerity period which followed brought it even more years of deprivation and hardship than those of the war .
2 Their entry into the Town Boys appeared to rest not only on the fact that they had gained reputations but also on their ability to maintain such reputations in the absence of the symbolic dress and tokens of status which had assisted them in the past .
3 Within an hour he would be prostrate with an attack of the headache which had plagued him since youth , but it did not matter .
4 A government statement explained that the Cabinet had decided to spare Kim 's life because of her remorse and her value as a living testament to the nature of the North Korean regime which had brainwashed her .
5 It was possible to believe that the sale and all the unpleasantness which had followed it had never taken place .
6 There was a long silence as Merrill fought a desire to drop the subject which had goaded her ever since Elise died .
7 ‘ We were leaving a bar which had ripped us off and Simon started giggling and piling up pot plants from the window boxes all over our car .
8 Instead , she sat on the side of her bunk analysing the strange feelings which had possessed her immediately before she had fallen asleep .
9 As she lay blinking blindly into the unfamiliar darkness , her ears filled with a strange background hum , her tired and sleepy brain slowly realised that the sound which had awoken her had been her own desperate sobbing .
10 It was not until fifty years after the great fire which had swept it all away that Eadmer wrote this description of what he had seen as a small boy of about seven .
11 In the situation which had developed he , again understandably , did not feel able to form a firm view on what was in J. 's best interests .
12 On wet days at Great Casterton we took it in turns to lecture , and on one of them I offered to talk about the Fosse Way as a Roman military frontier , a subject which had intrigued me from my work at Lincoln .
13 So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding , and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat which had intrigued me .
14 A feeling of malaise which had beset him earlier , and which he had blamed on the news from Oxford , persisted .
15 Even that proved not enough to save her ; less than a year after her father 's passing , she finally succumbed to the illness which had beset her for so long , and was laid to rest at St John 's .
16 His arms around her , he began so gently that although McAllister was already feeling stifled , and the fear of men which had beset her for so long had begun to tighten its grip on her , she not only allowed him to kiss and fondle her face and neck , but let him undo her hair , so that it tumbled about her shoulders , as magnificent in its abandon as he had imagined it in the long nights when he had been unable to sleep .
17 The warlock had once been human ; now he/she mirrored the warp-form of the daemon which possessed and which had remoulded him/her .
18 I could n't see his face any more with its closed , guarded expression which had kept me from going towards him ; now he was just a figure in a doorway , a symbol of home-coming .
19 It had been the hope which had kept her going through the dawn and early morning .
20 This time his powers of concentration were not helped by the fact that on a hot and humid Sunday afternoon in the Bois de Boulogne he was feeling awful : he had been wasting in order to ride Beaver II at nine stone ten pounds later in the afternoon , and was severely debilitated by a stomach upset which had kept him up all night .
21 At the same time , one must remember that there were other aspects of the economy which were virtually unaffected by war ; one sees this in the growth of the mining interest in the North-east , and most conspicuously in the continuation of trading connections with areas even after the political ties which had created them had been broken .
22 But had it not been to rid herself of her aura of wealth and privilege which had created her feeling that she was the darling of the gods — although the same gods knew how brutally they had treated her — that she had come to the East End to work , and to live as though she really needed to , and to survive on the pittance which she had earned , without bolting back again to luxury and comfort ?
23 But he also followed the normal practice of Greek historians in treating an army at war as something independent of the political organization which had created it .
24 He could not see , nor think what that link might have been , beyond what was an evident fact to him : that they were mythagos created by Tallis , and were responding to the mind which had engendered them .
25 Mrs Alderley , aware that something had occurred which had escaped her , and conscious of the metallic edge to Theda 's voice , and the look of … yes , triumph in Lady Usk 's eyes , at once lost herself in indecision .
26 It was their own indolence which had landed them with a murder which could probably be explained and might even have been prevented , if they had taken a bit more trouble .
27 It was this talent which had landed him the job with the Oswaldston College of Further Education and he was already unearthing long — forgotten aspects of Lancashire social history , and writing about them in the local paper .
28 As he moved away , Shannon sent a silent stream of curses after the mischievous imp in her soul which had landed her in this , desperately trying to remember the instructions she 'd skimmed through in the beginners ' ‘ learn-to-ski ’ handbook Kelly had given her .
29 Paula James , Matthew Glyrm 's youthful amanuensis ( after a one-year course in office routines at the technical college ) had turned up for work as usual , unaware of the events which had robbed her of her employer .
30 Last Sunday I sat in a cold room with my daughter , the two of us reviling the malign fate which had robbed us of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea , our weekly TV fix .
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