Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 It finished only just ahead of the Alliance poll of 26 per cent ( which produced for them only seventeen Liberal and six SDP seats ) .
2 Gradually these courts decayed , partly owing to the jealousy of the Common Law Courts , which interfered with them and extended their own jurisdiction .
3 The major innovations and discoveries of the 20th century such as transistors , penicillin or nuclear power could not have been predicted before their time nor do their stories have much in common except the the research which led to them could not have been directed towards their discovery .
4 A new scientific report casts doubt over evidence which led to them being cleared last year of running a bomb factory .
5 Indeed there is , if anything , a tendency for the final events to be revealed early in the investigation while the factors which led to them remain obscure until a much later stage , and some do not ever emerge at all .
6 Due to unforeseen problems , they became so heavily involved in the project that both found it necessary to develop new skills which led to them becoming competent programmers in their own right .
7 The problems connected with these are inseparable , because of the variety of local conditions , which led to them taking place at different times in various parts of the kingdom .
8 Yet , at the same time , the wording of the administration of the bread and wine , which referred to them as the ‘ body and blood ’ of Christ , implied the real presence so important in Luther 's theology .
9 The windows are now boarded up , but the rocks which came through them still litter the floor .
10 On the whole , during what Duiker has called ‘ the Stalinist years ’ , this was something that was accepted by the Vietnamese Communist Party but one can imagine that it was not always so easy to accept the advice which came to them from their French comrades .
11 The move to Harehills in the 1940s and buying a Morris was a new-found stability which came to them only in middle age .
12 Radical sects like the Quakers , the Shakers and the Methodists all encouraged the faithful to feel the divine in tangible forms ; some Pentecostal sects would speak in tongues , hear voices or experience powerful feelings which came upon them with such force that they were believed to come from God .
13 This sounds reasonable enough because no estate agent wishes to be negligent and if he was the court would direct accordingly on any case which came before them .
14 If the same duty was owed to those from within as to those from without the area , the adoption of criteria for selection which distinguished between them plainly conflicted with the express statutory duty laid down by section 6(5) .
15 Whilst many Methodists inclined to Calvinism , many of the leading Evangelicals , notably Simeon and the Rev.John Venn , Rector of Clapham , tried to avoid doctrinal controversies , which seemed to them irrelevant to the paramount issue : how to lead a Christian life and enter the Kingdom of Heaven .
16 In the following year , however , a plot was hatched by the English and their supporters , which regained for them control of the city .
17 The stones in the centre of the channel were hidden now : the slow trickle of water which flowed around them had become a fast-flowing stream , which covered them .
18 Spurts of flame began to flicker here and there and presently leapt up to redden the fringes of the great smoke cloud which hung above them ....
19 They were hardly yet the vast unbrokenly built-up areas of the twentieth century , though factory chimneys , often strung along river valleys , railway sidings , the monotony of discoloured brick and the pall of smoke which hung above them , gave them a certain coherence .
20 The expression of good-humoured contempt had vanished as quickly as it had appeared , and suddenly Rostov realised that he had missed an opportunity to relax the tension which existed between them .
21 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
22 In Howard E. Perry & Co . Ltd. v. B.R.B. it was held that the defendants ' refusal to allow the plaintiffs to enter their premises to collect goods which belonged to them could not be justified by their fear of intensified industrial action .
23 He argues that pre-industrial class experiences and the cultural forces which originated in them — ‘ the rich interaction of economy , community , culture and history ’ ( Cooke , 1985 : 239 ) — determine regional identity .
24 He should have known from the first that the chasm which lay between them would not be so easy to cross .
25 On finally seeing these creatures , mating in the high forest canopy like cataracts of spun glass , we found them to be transparent with a deeper meaning , something which lay beyond them , in the undiscovered wisdom of the islanders themselves .
26 He was far less concerned with the ‘ facts ’ , with the accuracy or applicability of substantive knowledge — these things were important in so far as they indicated the perspective which lay behind them .
27 In the pool of silence which fell between them Laura raised her eyes and took her first good , clear look at the man she had married , and whom she had n't seen for so many years .
28 These were the irregular marks of a pit saw and , to me , are a feature showing the hard work which went into them , reminding us of how lucky we are to have modern machinery .
29 Indeed , steal the relics and one could steal the saintly power which went with them .
30 The hostility of the army to the republic increased with the Catalan autonomy statute which represented to them the breaking up of the Spanish nation and a threat to national pride .
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