Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 A panel of households was recruited , all of which agreed to buy their tea through the research firm for three months .
2 A presidential decree , reported in full in Rossiskaya gazeta of June 18 , allowed state enterprises which failed to pay their debts to the state and to private creditors within three months to be declared bankrupt and either liquidated or auctioned off to the highest bidder for a limited period of time for independent management ( the new managers to be treated as owners , but debarred from dismissing more than 30 per cent of the work force ) .
3 The government had failed to approach economic reform comprehensively , and , lacking sufficient support from the CPSU politburo , had bowed to pressure from " various industries and the old managerial structures which sought to keep their position and maintain the command methods of administration " .
4 Also concurrent with this was the establishing of a mode , or even tradition , of working for feminist artists , which involved using their own bodies ( although with widely varying intentions and political positions ) — either producing images , or through performance or video .
5 The train was running in the open now , the blackness beyond its windows relieved by distant amber lights which seemed to track their progress like the eyes of forest-dwelling creatures fixed on a lonely wayfarer .
6 Whilst it has been assumed that these charges were fabricated by Musgrave ( and perhaps by Thomas Cromwell , q.v. ) , there is evidence to suggest that Dacre did indeed have private arrangements with the Scots which served to divert their raids away from his estates and on to Bewcastle .
7 It is by no means clear how farmers would react to any system which threatened to control their freedom to do as they please with their own land .
8 Further north , in Yorkshire , Pocklington was amongst those scores of ancient market towns which continued to fulfil their traditional roles during the Victorian era .
9 If the Americans could not agree among themselves as to the merits or otherwise of the Sterling Area , they were still troubled by the weakness of sterling , and by other evidence of the " grave " economic problems which continued to plague their ally .
10 ‘ Yes , I am , ’ said Camille , and they embarked on one of the pointless quarrels which had characterized their relationship since they had learned to speak .
11 Sometimes there were salmon in the millpond too which had lost their way — but that 's another story . )
12 But many districts which had secured their freedom from the Forest law during Edward II 's reign were once more made subject to it .
13 A betrayal which had secured their dismissal from Mr Ben Braithwaite himself who had branded them as troublemakers with no hope of employment anywhere in Frizingley again .
14 It is an equivalent of Alcoholics Anonymous , that is , those who were trying to escape from frightening fundamentalism which had destroyed their lives .
15 So American railway companies turned on the stations which had impaired their financial health and destroyed many of them in an excess of architectural vandalism .
16 The day-to-day operation of power stations remained under the control of the six National Grid Control Centres , which ( now they were freed from the financial provisions which had governed their relationship to the independent undertakings ) were able to run them in a more efficient merit order , reducing the cost of generation .
17 In 1976 the British Government denounced the US/UK Bermuda Agreement , which had governed their civil aviation relations since 1947 .
18 Gorbachev stated that the Treaty remained open for signature by the six republics which had declared their independence from the USSR ( Armenia , Estonia , Georgia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia ) .
19 The decision , if fully implemented , threatened to split the LDP , many senior members of which had given their approval to , or accepted positions within , the new movement .
20 This discourse of ‘ as good as a man ’ was to recur frequently in interviews with the women ; certainly there were some schools which had taught their pupils to think in those terms .
21 Most of the CEB men , Hacking included , saw as one of the great prizes of nationalisation the possibility of escaping from the voluntarism which had characterised their former relations with the undertakings .
22 Mr George Daszczuk was pinned to the ground and mauled for 15 minutes as he was set upon by the two dogs , which had chewed their way through the wooden door of a garage they were guarding .
23 Mr Browning had expressed himself surprised that she had failed to recognise and acknowledge the consideration for herself and her well-being which had influenced their decision about Ferdinando .
24 Students were a group already singled out for special attention in the effort to keep out the ‘ bourgeois liberalism ’ which had influenced their predecessors at the turn of the century .
25 They could claim to be defending democracy while simultaneously denouncing the very tendencies and aspirations which had led their less sophisticated predecessors to condemn or criticize democracy as such .
26 One incidental result of this was that Indirect Rule , the proud and mysterious creation of innumerable men-on-the-spot , upon which it was forbidden to the uninitiated to look , was transformed after years of scrutiny by metropolitan experts into a uniform system of local government , whereby Britain hoped to bring into the orbit of her unresented influence the non-traditional elements which had made their appearance in African society .
27 To the masses which the French Revolution had made politically aware and on which the Industrial Revolution was imposing new and appalling burdens while increasing exponentially the capacity to create wealth , Owen 's new view was of a society which had realised their aspirations .
28 The negotiations , which had reached their seventh round and had given rise to considerable optimism , centred on the creation of internationally managed reception centres in Vietnam .
29 When nobody from the long list of eminent organizations which had registered their opposition could be present , however ( which was most of the time ) , the burden of maintaining a presence and regular cross-examining was left to a few stalwarts .
30 After him came more chiefs and then banners and icons of the two principal churches which had sent their Arks to be present at the battle .
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