Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This was distinguished from a card which merely had written or printed material on it , intended to convey information to the human eye or mind , and not meant to be ancillary to some machine by being specially shaped for that purpose .
2 Throughout the morning on which Morse was addressing his audience in Bath , and stripping away the deceptions and the half-truths which hitherto had veiled the naked truth of the case , there was much activity at the Trout Inn , a fine riverside hostelry set between the weir and the Godstow Lock in the village of Wolvercote , only a couple of miles out on the western side of North Oxford .
3 Urban calls for a tax on farm income were ignored , although Aziz did announce the taxation under certain conditions of military and police welfare foundations ( which hitherto had run a wide variety of tax-exempt businesses ) .
4 Broadly speaking , Swann provided a liberal , semi-official legitimation for tackling issues of racism ( or , more accurately , prejudice ) and what it coyly referred to as ‘ cultural pluralism ’ in all schools , including the so-called all-white schools which hitherto had maintained the stance of ‘ No problem ( i.e. blacks ) here ’ .
5 This programme promotes creativity and the cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives throughout the company , building teams able to create and accept challenges which hitherto had seemed impossible .
6 In spite of this attitude by some of the die-hards , more and more money was being spent on new craft and equipment and our Technical Branch , which hitherto had concentrated on the maintenance on our fleet of small boarding launches , was being geared up to deal with the new cutter fleet .
7 However , the Colorados ' Batllismo Radical faction , which hitherto had had one representative in the Cabinet pulled out of the coalition .
8 The subsequent lengthy coalition negotiations had revealed the preference of some ÖVP members for a coalition with the right-wing Liberal Party ( FPÖ ) , which together had formed the government in 1983-87 .
9 But his feet — as though contemptuous of all such academic preoccupations — had taken him by chance to a long , shabby street of bow-fronted houses which obviously had known better days .
10 It annoyed her that , despite everything that had been said and done between them , and which obviously had meant absolutely nothing to him , since his attitude towards her was the same as it had ever been , she still found it difficult to control her emotions in his presence .
11 Investigation of the feet of the fines ( property documents ) for the period revealed that in 1392/3 , 1398/9 and 1410/11 Andrew had indeed been involved in a series of transactions concerning an estate of some 200 acres , which obviously had belonged to the family for a long time .
12 The future , which once had seemed to her a long , grassy vista into distant sunlight , was now a black impenetrable vapour , blowing towards her menacingly , like some poisonous gas , and threatening to envelop her .
13 It was agreed that only ten people should tramp round the tiny cottage at a time ; the remainder were forced to mingle with the morning shoppers and then to walk on to the old St Mary 's Chapel , which once had held the shrine of Our Lady of Bradstow and to which passing ships would lower their sails in honour .
14 By my first week in-country ( my third on mefloquine ) I had reduced sensation in my legs , was waking up with a start from severe nightmares which subjectively had lasted for hours ( in reality for only 15 min ) , and occasionally wondering what it would be like to jump the eight floors from my hotel room .
15 The material which yesterday had draped them now lay in discarded heaps on the stones of the paving below , and men were hastily tacking new lengths — the mercers and drapers must have ransacked their warehouses to find enough , and the cost would no doubt make the court treasurer blench — to the framework .
16 It was decided that Wordsworth should write the first book or canto of the tale , Coleridge the second , ‘ and which ever had done first , was to set about the third ’ .
17 Results announced on Oct. 6 showed that 35 seats had been taken by outspoken critics of the government , described by the Washington Post as " drawn from a diverse group of Islamists , secular liberals and traditional politicians " , 15 of whom were said to be from districts which traditionally had supported the ruling family .
18 This marked a significant departure from previous foreign policy priorities which traditionally had made the Soviet Union the first place to be visited by a new Prime Minister .
19 The fear which before had turned Owen 's limbs to water now suddenly galvanised him .
20 Colourist Maria added golden lights to add texture and movement to her hair , which before had looked rather solid due to its thickness .
21 He rode on the Sambre 's northern bank , drawn towards the town by the sound of musketry which had been loud an hour before , but which now had faded into silence .
22 Faces which earlier had seemed a little sombre were now wreathed in ecstatic smiles , and it was clear that this was what they had come to hear .
23 Through the bedroom doorway Martin saw Richard carefully examining an old battered tawse which earlier had lain unnoticed beside the bed .
24 His wares made up the largest individual parcel in a massive consignment of plate exported to the Tsarina Anna in 1726 , much of which again had paid no duty .
25 The committee , which previously had consisted 80 per cent of women , was dramatically changed .
26 Article 7 , which previously had defined the official role of organizations affiliated to the CPSU , was amended to read : " All political parties , social organizations and mass movements , in the exercise of the functions stipulated in their programmes and rules , operate within the framework of the Constitution and Soviet laws . "
27 The Marquess of Salisbury had become Prime Minister in 1895 , and in 1889 his government introduced death duties which were to lead to the gradual breaking up of the wealthy estates , which previously had passed from father to son — or some other relative — without any loss .
28 As amended , Article 6 of the Constitution , which previously had enshrined the Communist Party as the " leading and guiding force in Soviet society and the nucleus of its political system " , now read : " The Communist Party of the Soviet Union , other political parties , trade unions , youth and other social organizations and mass movements participate in the formulation of the policy of the Soviet state and in the administration of state and social affairs through their representatives elected to the soviets of people 's deputies and in other ways . "
29 On the following day , however , a presidential commission investigating the role of the security forces during the November 1989 revolution published findings implicating Vacek , at that time Army Chief of Staff and First Deputy Defence Minister , in preparations by the Army high command to clamp down against the demonstrations which ultimately had overthrown the communist regime .
30 French intelligence claimed that his group was linked to the Lebanese Iranian-backed Hezbollah which allegedly had supplied the explosives .
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