Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Remember these routes are all on limestone , which rarely gives good routes at less than VS , but a line of bolts , ending at a firmly anchored chain , up dry and solid rock , means that a much bolder approach can be adopted than on the polished , easier routes of Stoney or the vertical scree of Swanage .
2 Is it not ironic that the Government are introducing the Bill at a time when virtually all the political parties — parties which rarely find common ground , as we have tragically and sadly witnessed over the years — see eye to eye in opposing the scheme ?
3 It relates more particularly to parish churches , which rarely have single-sex choirs in these days .
4 Responding to the needs of people who live on their own — and some 36 per cent of people over 65 do — could increase sales on many items , notably food items , which rarely attract single householders because the goods are currently only available in large , wasteful quantities unless they are convenience foods .
5 Erm the other point of course , this is raised in matter B , as it 's written is it considered to be restrictive too restrictive er and third and secondly , is it giving you er guidance which properly reflects national guidance .
6 He got more and more entangled in committees of the ecumenical movement , which was on a rising tide of Christian hope , and which badly needed trained English academics to help .
7 At home he developed a system of close co-operation between management and trade union leaders which successfully improved economic performance and kept down unemployment .
8 In the context of this paper it is very significant that of OECD 's 24 member states no less than 18 expressed strong interest in their proposal to identify educational policies which effectively support rural economic development .
9 It is not without significance that it had its source in a campaign which effectively combined Cobdenite principles of free trade with a ‘ bellicose philanthropy ’ worthy of the most self-righteous of Victorian imperialists .
10 Notorious articles ( 141 , 142 and 163 ) of the penal code dating from the 1930s which effectively outlawed communist or fundamentalist opinion were abolished by the new legislation .
11 It is however I think relevant to the debate on policies I five and I twelve , to the extent that the County Council adjustments to the wording of policy I five which would provide for the distributional strategy and its emphasis on directing development to locations in and adjacent to main urban areas , main towns and small towns , to be modified so as to pe permit major employment allocations to be made elsewhere and indeed on a scale which effectively improved distributional strategy .
12 At the very heart of single capacity was the Stock Exchange 's rule-book which effectively blocked significant structural reform .
13 On July 28 , the Speaker of the Majlis , Hojatolislam Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , was elected President , succeeding Khamenei , and assumed office on Aug. 17 ; also on July 28 voters in a referendum approved a number of constitutional amendments which effectively increased presidential authority .
14 Together they provide a formidable barrier which effectively immobilises unsuspecting insects .
15 The superiority of the allied armed forces , and the unfolding of a military strategy which effectively minimized allied casualties ; allowed the political leadership in the USA , the United Kingdom and France to prosecute the war with overwhelming public support [ see below ] .
16 The former is probably worth about £3 per hour , and the latter , which effectively halves fixed costs , is worth about £4–£5 per hour , depending upon utilisation .
17 For those with really bad hearts , Daedalus recommends a complete peristaltic body stocking , which forcibly returns venous blood to the head from all over the body .
18 Anyone with a history of injuries ( or if you have already been skiing and suffered one ) will benefit from a session on their Cybex analysis machine ( £30 ) which sagely tests joint and muscular strength at different resistances .
19 Got squashed in the photo files by Brendon Fitzgerald , broke the photocopier , got lost looking for the canteen , uncovered the truth about IPC tea , became Dele Fadele 's personal typewriter ribbon engineer ( have been ever since ) , discovered House music had not yet reached Waterloo , realised that guitars really are the work of the devil , mended the then extremely sad NME stereo ( ie , plugged it in ) and was quickly appointed technical supervisor to anything mechanical ( plugs , electrical toothbrushes ) , invented dance music , formed Subbuteo league with James Brown and Simon Dudfield which eventually became fixed beyond all belief , tried to blag a Misty In Roots CD and failed .
20 Topsoil , which eventually becomes man-made when constantly cultivated , is of primary importance : some eighty per cent of the vine 's root system , including most of the feeding network , remains in the upper sector of soil .
21 Actual blindness occurs only after years and years , and is caused by infestation of the cornea — which eventually becomes opaque .
22 Of course , Roman emperors deified themselves , made their horses consuls and existed in a state of terrifying paranoia which eventually provoked genuine plots and assassinations , but in retrospect the gross crimes of a Caligula or Nero lacked the all-pervading hypocrisy of the modern tyrants .
23 A comparable phenomenon has been described in a transgenic mouse model which produces long segments of HBsAg including pre S 1 proteins and which eventually develops distorted ground glass hepatocytes very similar to thsoe in the present liver transplant recipients .
24 Two other characteristics which mostly attracted indirect mention but which , nevertheless , were important included : purity , in the sense of not containing other substances ; dependability in the sense that the product can always be relied upon to meet the mothers ' standard ( viz softness , non-irritant , pure ) .
25 IN this season of New Year forecasts — which mostly come unstuck — they are praying for rain in 1993 in Stowmarket , Suffolk .
26 In lieu of an overarching policy of universal nursery education , within which special needs would have an acknowledged place , we have the hotchpotch of provision with which practitioners are only too familiar , and which mostly reflects local and regional idiosyncrasies rather than a planned and coherent structure based on policy .
27 Second , Fanon offers a kind of cultural critique which mostly pre-empts facile politics per se .
28 The houses had antiquated boiler systems , which constantly went wrong .
29 And , given the view held by Bukharin ( and the majority of the Bolsheviks ) that the peasants were , by definition , a hot-bed of ‘ petty-bourgeois anarchy ’ , a sort of bubbling yeast out of which constantly emerged petty capitalists , such an alliance ( equilibrium ) had latent dangers of a renewed bout of violent class struggle .
30 The endowments of the schools were rarely lavish , and they depended on fees which necessarily remained high .
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