Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] is say " in BNC.

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1 Gerald Kaufman is another who will hesitate to play the sporting card , although there are those who remember him as a midfield dynamo , eternally squabbling with the referee and being booked for ‘ violence of the tongue ’ , an offence which he is said to have invented .
2 Magistrate Felix Pizzarello attacked the police for secretly taping a conversation between Newall and his uncle and aunt in which he is said to have made certain admissions .
3 Which he is saying .
4 This city is not a place of much trade , nor is it very populous ; but they are lately fallen into a very particular way of managing the corn trade here , which it is said turns very well to account .
5 There are various historical reference points made available to us , by which it is said we can chart Britain 's fall from grace .
6 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
7 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
8 Alternatively , he could argue that a defendant has sufficient awareness for the purposes of section 6(4) if he knows of the circumstances by which it is said that his conduct is disorderly .
9 Since the mental element required for the commission of the the offences of organisation and participation is knowledge which the courts increasingly interpret to require an awareness of all the circumstances by virtue of which it is said that an offence is committed , it may well be sensible police practice to issue a warning before arresting and prosecuting with an offence under this Part of the Act .
10 However , we now have a chance to remove the fear from the minds of women that for too long the attitude to rape has been based on the unspoken belief that , in the end , no woman will refuse the sexual advances of a dominant man and that ‘ No ’ , whatever the circumstances in which it is said , is simply a ‘ tease ’ and that women never mean it .
11 His description of the group culminates in the famous formulation of the " perfect law of art " of which it is said to be the embodiment :
12 It is one of those Bills about which it is said , ’ Where is the beef ? ’
13 The adjective beautiful , for example , denotes a quality which can be found in many different objects and therefore does not by itself indicate the nature of that about which it is said .
14 What she is saying , with her big white collars , is , ‘ I am a clean , controlled and decent Christian woman .
15 She wants her readers to think out for themselves what she is saying .
16 Speaker B stops trying to take turns in the negotiation of topic and waits for speaker A to make it clear how what she is saying has some connection to the existing topic framework .
17 Alternatively , the sender may wish to make certain parts of the message the topic of what she is saying — the focus of attention — and others simply comments .
18 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
19 Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying .
20 But if she persists in what she is saying about him now , he will have no choice but to insist she goes .
21 He remembered the anguish in her voice as she cried : ‘ I wonder what she is saying about me ! ’
22 ( Wish I knew what he is saying ! )
23 A third says : ‘ I love to read a few words of the Gospel , so that I can see Christ and listen to what He is saying to me . ’
24 I do n't think his eyes quite match what he is saying . ’
25 John Cole , Skelmersdale : ‘ Morrissey obviously believes what he is saying and is brave enough to say it whatever the consequences .
26 And they do for 5–10 minutes , then he speaks out of the silence , ‘ and I know what he is saying is of the Holy Spirit — it resonates so clearly in me and rings true ’ .
27 What he is saying is that he always wanted to drive , his family was against it and he defied them and did it
28 Szasz is putting the position at its most extreme , but I recognise the truth in what he is saying and , apart from his implication that the definers are acting with conscious deliberation , I think he is right .
29 And unless he speaks in a very odd way we take it for granted that he knows what he is saying .
30 For example , analysing a transaction between two skilled negotiators requires the study of the overt interaction and the identification of what each one is thinking about what he himself is doing and what his opponent is probably thinking about in the context of what he is saying ( Singleton , 1983a ) .
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