Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] must have " in BNC.

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1 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
2 On it I read , in my own writing , ‘ JANE EYRE ’ , which I must have written without thinking .
3 Between the Arch and the back of the Admiralty proper runs a small unnamed side-street which I must have passed a hundred times without really noticing .
4 Well it should be in the file and I asked for this and keep it before me when a scheme is set up , A we have a map which I must have sent out letters ,
5 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
6 Gold cards , for which you must have an income of around £25,000 a year , are an attractive option because of the
7 Rather light-heartedly , we refer to this as the Chicago Pizza model ( in which the customer chooses a particular base — say deep dish or wholemeal crust — and adds the toppings of his or her choice ) , by contrast with both the Chinese menu or laissez-faire approach ( which allows for any combinations of dishes , even the ridiculous ) and the set meal approach , in which you must have the entire menu .
8 The patience and persistence which you must have learned as a fisherman would result in pulling us through .
9 The key which she must have been holding had fallen beside her .
10 ‘ Not at all , ’ Leith laughed lightly , then found that his aunt , without meaning to pry , she was sure , was asking questions which she must have assumed that Naylor already knew the answers to anyway .
11 The most obvious case is when a hoard includes both coins and other objects ; indeed it is only in these cases that the objects in question can be accurately dated ( or rather the date by which they must have been made can be accurately established ) .
12 Pediculus humanus corporis , the body louse , and Pediculus humanus capitis , the head louse , share with Phthirus pubis three pairs of legs , a predilection for man or the higher apes , and a dependence on fresh blood , to which they must have access at least twice a day .
13 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
14 Most of the textbooks , were handed to us came from cupboards of storage , of which they must have had about sixty each , those classes were always , from then on , sixty boys in a class for one teacher .
15 It is unreasonable that local health authorities should have to compare routine needs — for hernia operations , or knee and hip joint operations — with the problems surrounding experimental surgery , of which they must have no direct knowledge .
16 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
17 After eating the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron which he must have liked , he asked me where I came from .
18 Later , confronted with the ambiguously dominating Attwater who kings it over the natives on his atoll , one of them ‘ broke into a piece of the chorus of a comic song which he must have heard twenty years before in London : meaningless gibberish that , in that hour and place ’ , seemed hateful as a blasphemy : ‘ Hikey , pikey , crikey , fikey , chillinga — wallaba dory . ’
19 Lionel Luyt told me that it was only when he reached Europe a few years later that he realized how far ahead of his South African contemporaries John had been , doing things which he must have invented for himself because he had not had the chance to see them put into practice by others .
20 He wrote a poem about his friend Francis Thompson , and in it there are many echoes of his own sad youth in which he must have wondered often if his mind would flower too late for good .
21 On top of the dashboard was a poem called Martin Fierro and a Spanish dictionary lying with its spine up , to which he must have been referring as he waited .
22 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
23 Like the politics of the miners which seamed through the talk of his brothers , never as vivid as the ‘ stories ’ but always there , those early films provided him with examples of acting which he must have absorbed willy-nilly .
24 There is a sundial over the door , dated 1751 , and inscribed with the reminder ‘ Time Passeth ’ — a concept which surely impressed the young Tennyson and which he must have mused upon a length as a boy .
25 However , in the House of Lords Lord Kilbrandon expressed grave doubts about the wisdom of the ‘ mere witness ’ rule : ‘ Why should A be bound to disclose to B the information which he must have before he can sue C if , and only if , B could , if he wishes , also have sued A , although he has no intention of so doing ?
26 Although there is no direct evidence on the subject of Richard 's upbringing and education — we do not even know the names of his tutors as we do in his father 's case — it is none the less possible , by using romances and treatises , to reconstruct the type of education which he must have undergone .
27 Henry rejected these terms and made a counter-proposal , that Alice should marry John , which he must have known would be unacceptable .
28 He , too , suffered from an occasional enlightening vision which came to him from the dim past and which he must have suppressed at the time …
29 In some handwritten notes , which he must have used as the basis for a talk , he urges : ‘ It is all here in London — a wonderful city .
30 There remained the peculiar business of the poetry book , which he must have had ready to puzzle me .
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