Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] 've just " in BNC.

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1 These are just examples of er of of of question of answers to questions Burn asks the question which I 've just asked , why then does low turn out persist , cos he 's just made the point above that there are big issues in local government .
2 Let's If I write down Okay the which I 've just suddenly thought of were er
3 We 'll also talk about the ability to integrate the information to application development through online transaction processing applications and the icon at the bottom representing software which I 've just mentioned .
4 The president , it says in the constitution which I 've just read , the president has the power to make treaties to make agreements with foreign countries .
5 An interesting situation which I 've just explained to Ann , whereby at the weekend there 's a set of offices in the Strand Theatre which the company that we 're operating from there so stopped
6 Of course the environment is very much more simple and unpleasant than the environment from which you 've just come .
7 Subject to your report , which you 've just given .
8 The picture , the acute picture which you 've just seen is virtually exclusively due to the production of a toxin and that toxin produces really a necrotic pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx associated with necrosis and detachment of what we call the pseudo-membrane .
9 Student asks thirty people , how long it had taken them And you draw a frequency table , which you 've just been doing there .
10 That 's right and then er , those ones , those sheep which you 've just mentioned er are a myth
11 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
12 The new office , which we 've just moved into , is a rather different kettle of fish .
13 The good housekeeping exercise which we 've just circulated the documents on , which we 'll be consulting on in two weeks time tt er it mainly is about changing the organization to allow us to delegate authority down to an appropriate level .
14 One is Selby which we 've just spent the morning discussing and for very very different reasons the other is Harrogate .
15 That is obviously something which we 've just got to keep topping up but it was recognised by the fathers that will there was we needed to be helped to train to sell and so we needed that training er to get us get us going so to speak , there were no natural salesmen amongst departments .
16 I do , however , keep giving the actors directions which belong to a five-week rehearsal period and then have to tell them to forget what I 've just said .
17 ‘ We 'll go and watch what I 've just explained on machine , which should make it easier for you to understand .
18 ‘ When did you discover what I 've just told you ? ’
19 ‘ What an interesting coincidence or , in view of what I 've just been learning , perhaps not all that much of a coincidence .
20 At the same time we were organising meeting 's to tell local people about it and to get there views and to make it clear again that we were , you know , we were in a position where we were being forced to do something by this legislation that we did n't want to do and we wanted just , the alternative was if we had set a rent rise , which have been dramatically higher , I mean the four pounds , twenty five rent rise that we eventually had to agree to was higher than what the Council wanted to put the rent 's up by , you would think well the Council put the rent 's up by four pounds , twenty five , erm , and you know , that , that 's why the Council does that sort of thing but it 's us that gets involved in that kind of work , producing information and developing responses and then the secon d major area is what I 've just labelled a strategic policy development , and that mainly erm put policies that are like a rise within the Council rather than things that come from outside , like for example , because were the kind of Council we , we are , there was a debate amongst officer 's and member 's to develop an anti poll strategy and two hundred and eight thousand pounds was found to be linked to that strategy and erm , as that 's enabled various initiative 's to get under , under schemes , crashes for children in the town , stuff like that , er and also , erm to provide an overall policy frame work for other Council department 's .
21 Unfortunately Miss has n't been able to conclude her enquiries er , to apportion the damage and to take instructions as to the the residue of what I 've just said .
22 What I 've just told you hundred and twenty six over X is equal ?
23 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
24 No , my dear , of course I 'm not linking Adolph with what I 've just said .
25 I I that 's what I 've just said .
26 Rain said : ‘ Despite Barbara Coleman 's chattering and despite what I 've just been told , you 're all safe because there 's no proof about the provenance of the paintings . ’
27 Er I know Mike now goes off at slightly different subjects , so I would suggest if there are any questions , not only on what I 've just said , but really what you 've done this morning , the exercise , either myself , Dennis , or Mike , or Trevor could answer any questions ?
28 Sorry , they did tell us that , that the whole costing of the scheme was going to be ninety thousand pounds , it was going to cost ninety thousand , just to do what we 've , yes , what I 've just described to you .
29 But I spoke to Alex today , and he confirmed what I 've just described to you . ’
30 Also you might consider that what I 've just told you could be the truth . ’
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