Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] need to " in BNC.

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1 I was , in Robert Pirsig 's immortal phrase , caught in a gumption trap , expending more and more energy in a blind alley of endeavour from which I needed to quietly reverse in temporary resignation .
2 That 's right , erm always make sure that the injured parts are well supported bandages should be firm enough to do the job and large enough to cover the wound all of this is the sort of thing which you need to be referring back to if you 're in any doubt .
3 Perhaps you were right and there is a demon fundamentalist within us all , which we need to be constantly battle against — or at least made aware of .
4 Er the er the breeders ' evening now what happened on this breeders ' evening is that the they run the raffle then give us our expenses out of it so that eleven pound eighty is the is the part of the raffle proceeds which we need to , to e to er for our expenses , you 'll see on the other side erm that we spent that eleven eighty , six eighty for er refreshments and five pound for the rent .
5 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
6 For Whitehouse , Neville 's avowed ‘ revolutionary ’ stance was aimed particularly at the young and innocent and was a form of ‘ ideological warfare ’ from which they needed to be protected .
7 Second , services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be provided .
8 So it was that when the Hundred Years War began , although both the French and the English kingdoms had particular naval objectives which they needed to further for military reasons , neither could be said to have possessed a proper navy .
9 In particular , family health services authorities should consider which skills they require ‘ in house ’ and which they need to ‘ buy in ’ .
10 These two points raise the issue of the extent to which pragmatic interpretation and discourse structure are culture specific , and the extent to which they need to be or can be taught .
11 What I need to .
12 Here is what Norman Burtt , for over 30 years the public relations manager at Lever Brothers , has to say about what you need to be a company PR manager : 1Total honesty — with your employers , your staff , your " public " and the media .
13 Now , one of them will rotate to the right , one will rotate to the left what you need to be able to do is to identify the condition that will give that give rise to optical isomers , in other words , to be able to say yes , that molecule will have optical isomers .
14 However , if you know exactly what you need to be eating it is far easier to ensure that your body gets what it needs .
15 We will now be listening to the music would you please write what you need to would you complete as many of the questions as you can .
16 If you wish to keep your job , Swiss is what you need to be .
17 So that 's what you need to be doing when you 're with your team .
18 That 's what you need to be a referee today , guts . ’
19 you know sort of say , well go and get what you need to er , to make it happen
20 and if it 's a tight one , and you 're going round it in first , really tight one , then what you need to be doing really is slipping the clutch
21 he 's just saying that in a group if we look at the historical background of the language , it helps to see you know how What the strong points are of the linguistic and what we need to be bolstered on .
22 What we need to be able to do is to get inside them to really see what is happening .
23 I do n't I do n't believe it is erm at the mo well earlier this week a report was published by the National Commission on Education which was er an independent erm Commission that was set up erm and they they 've said that basically what we need to be doing is t if we 're trying to raise standards is to keep the idea of having an all graduate profess profession followed up by high quality for train training for teachers once they 've actually started work .
24 If we have not got through for what we need to er examine then the proposition is that we should reconvene at five thirty this evening .
25 What we need to be certain about is that whatever society is involved in or whatever organisation is involved in balloting that it should be seen to be done properly .
26 So what we need to be able to identify is that , al although we will gain the worst scenario ought to be that whatever we lose in terms of auto-off reports and units reports to some extent we should be gaining by the improved productivity overall .
27 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
28 Uncovering hidden objections is crucial to successful selling because to convince someone it is necessary to know what he/she needs to be convinced of .
29 ‘ We won at Wimbledon last month and Vinny might be just what they need to gee them up . ’
30 you were saying , yeah , but we 've got to know , basically what they need to be paying
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