Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] be hold " in BNC.

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1 I tried to smile at him through my tears , but I realized it had n't turned out very well , so I squeezed his hand which I was holding .
2 Your branch recently contacted the Parish Council about a sealed item which you are holding for us .
3 When you eventually get on to any committee it is surprising how quickly the esteem in which you are held grows when you can conduct yourself with confidence in the meetings .
4 That was in keeping with the respect in which she is held for her tireless work , especially on behalf of the world 's children .
5 He looked up into her wide blue eyes which were scrutinising him intently over the mug of tea which she was holding with two hands .
6 Madame drank her tea and put the fine china cup carefully back on the saucer which she was holding in her other hand .
7 This enchanting white-faced chestnut could be excitable before her races — it was the Royal Hunt Cup winner Come On The Blues , her travelling companion and calming influence , on whom she had her crush — but was admirably genuine , and her home-stretch surge to bring British racing its first great triumph in the Breeders ' Cup ensured that the affection in which she was held during her racing career would not fade .
8 It was only when the tea came that her pleasure in such a welcome , in being given such evidence of the continuing affection in which she was held , abruptly waned .
9 What was significant was the awe in which she was held by her two senior colleagues , but not so by Mr Straw .
10 She needed to be disenchanted too , from this shape in which she was held prisoner .
11 If a male customer my age is addressed as sir while I am love , that surely says something about the relative respect in which we are held .
12 Piaget 's work also exhibits a parallel with Marx 's concept of praxis , in his insistence that all development is derived form practical interaction with the material world , in which we live , and with which we are held in tension .
13 We are determined to reinforce the professionalism of teachers and the esteem in which they are held .
14 It is clear that the main prisons in which they are held are no longer overcrowded and that if they choose to do so , these prisoners can participate in the full range of activities .
15 In this connexion it is worth remembering that it takes a little longer to change where cymbals are concerned ( owing to the way in which they are held ) but from bass drum to side-drum , triangle , or tambourine , or from any of these to any other , is a matter of seconds .
16 Although activity patterns themselves do not provide much information about such qualitative goals as the choice open to an individual , or the respect in which they are held , it is at least arguable that improvements in these areas will be reflected in the variety of activities and the extent of the person 's participation in them ; and that if low levels of engagement in meaningful activity are found this reflects a genuine problem whatever other measures may indicate ( Mansell et al. , 1987 ) .
17 Lawrence , a child of Water Orton , a suburban lacuna on the outskirts of Birmingham , spent the dreaded '80s as the leader of Felt , a semi-legendary indie pop outfit whose dearth of sales was inversely matched by the affection and wonky respect in which they were held by the choosier pop consumer .
18 The hierarchies of esteem in which they were held differed widely from one culture to another until all were engulfed in the pecuniary measure of values common to the world market .
19 In the same way sacred manuscripts were commonly bound in covers enriched with ivory , gold and precious stones as a way of marking and enhancing the reverence in which they were held ( fig. 32 ) .
20 A substantial number of prisoners participated in the riots ‘ at least in part , because of the conditions in which they were held and the way in which they were treated .
21 In addition there is the letter of Sidonius , a generation earlier , recording the good works of Chilperic I and his wife , and the high regard in which they were held by bishop Patiens .
22 As a schoolmaster and later a headmaster his distinction was unexceeded by any in his profession , and the affection in which he is held by his former pupils is equal to that accorded to the legendary Mr Chips .
23 On neither score is there any universal agreement , and many would deny that the objections are well grounded , holding that they rest on over-simplifications , and that even to the degree that Barth did move in the directions suggested , he nevertheless did not fall into the extreme positions of which he is held guilty .
24 The measure of the esteem in which he is held is shown by three forthcoming exhibitions devoted to his contribution : ‘ L'Oeil du Connaisseur : hommage à Philip Pouncey ’ at the Louvre , 19 June-7 September ; another at the Uffizi later this year ( dates unavailable ) , and the third at the British Museum in January 1994 .
25 Sir John Wolfenden , the then vice-chancellor of Reading University , was chosen to be its Chairman , a job which he was to hold for the three years that the Committee took to produce its Report .
26 That was the measure of affection and esteem in which he was held .
27 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
28 The high esteem in which he was held was shown at his funeral where a tribute to his great accomplishments for deaf education in Leeds was paid by the Director of Education for the district .
29 John Stanley 's extemporizations on the organ of Temple Church in London were attended by Handel , and yet the esteem in which he was held by his contemporaries has failed to gain him the reputation that he should enjoy today .
30 And to the estimation in which he was held
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