Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There they go again , tweedly-deedly , tweedly-deedly , belly-aching the whole bleeding night , and the toasted cheese seizing on to their plates like goddam glue , which I durse n't go in to fetch them ; and never an honest tune from beginning to end . ’
2 The water smelled dankly of mud and winter , which I had n't seemed to notice when I 'd been in it .
3 ‘ Owen always seemed to have an enormous amount of mail at Stratford and would come straight from the stage door to the green room , clutching a handful of letters which he would clasp to his body in a special way which I had n't realised he did until I started drawing this picture and could n't work out what to do with the arms .
4 I 've done my own cleaning ready for Christmas which I had n't the energy for in the spring and my husband and I walk about 3–4 miles every day .
5 The fact of its presence was all I was going to learn , however , as it had revolving combination locks which were easy enough to undo , but only if one had two hours to spend on each lock , which I had n't .
6 You do record production for other bands , and you did the original demos for Van Halen , which I had n't realised until recently .
7 A certain crepuscularity of spirit had sauntered in , courtesy of a misunderstanding which I had n't bothered to trouble the prancing Squire and his Milady with ; not fair , in their state of mind , I thought .
8 Which I had n't known about or my mother and otherwise living near enough they could have s done that school and gone through from five years to er fourteen .
9 Well , in fact I did n't know , not for certain , but I could n't see any signs at all of brassière straps or elastic waistbands which I had n't been able to help noticing on all other women .
10 Statements such as , ‘ I did n't see it previously ’ ; ‘ I 've just noticed something new ’ ; I can see all sorts of things of interest which I had n't seen before' ; ‘ I was n't interested in that before … suddenly it has a very significant part to play ’ ; ‘ the painting is actually changing for me ’ ; ‘ I 'm just discovering it ’ ; ‘ I 've started now to appreciate … ‘ , abounded .
11 I snap , eyeing the lobsters , and observing a dozen fat oysters , discreetly arranged around them , which I had n't noticed before .
12 erm Somebody on this morning 's course said that they quite like answering machines , they use them like note pads , and they ring up people they know have got an answering machine so they can just leave a message , they say it 's quicker than writing a letter , and it 's easier than talking to them for hours , you can just ring them up and leave a message on their answering machine like a sort of note pad , which I had n't thought of , but I suppose it 's rather good , is n't it !
13 The British official behind his high desk asked me numerous questions which I did n't understand .
14 The visitor told me things about her which I did n't believe , but still I nodded my head as if to confirm what she had said .
15 She accused me of instructing them to dig the wrong grave , which I did n't and I immediately defended myself and said : ‘ Mary , I did not .
16 They told me to stay there until they came and got me the following day — which I did n't .
17 ‘ There was another side to him which I did n't see at first .
18 ‘ I normally get that first thing in the morning , which I did n't today .
19 Well , after asking me for yardages , which I did n't have , Tom tested me out .
20 She asked me to a cocktail-party to which I did n't want to go , so I said I had a cold which was n't true at the time but knowing my chest I guessed that I should have a bronchial cough at any moment and so I did .
21 He gave me three games — which I did n't think was a fair chance .
22 Then they gave us a charge sheet — it was huge , something like 23 particulars , some of which I did n't even recognise . ’
23 It got rid of the space between my teeth , which I did n't like anyway , so some good maybe came out of it after all . ’
24 I got some stick from a small section of the Palace crowd which I did n't expect , but it did n't bother me .
25 I lost , of course , hardly surprising since the elections were carved up by the various political groups , most of which I did n't even know existed .
26 All I did n't want to happen was for him to become violent , which I did n't think was ever on the cards .
27 I was struck with terror , since my Russian vocabulary , while exemplary on maritime matters , extended little further than ‘ cow ’ , ‘ milk ’ , and ‘ bull ’ which I did n't feel was quite adequate for the occasion .
28 I did show in the Serpentine Gallery in 1975 but even that presented a problem of prudery which I did n't experience on the continent .
29 The majority , which I did n't have time to scan , appeared designed for juvenile rather than adult readers .
30 On this point , the head considers the project-inspired developments to have " taken off " at a pace which he had never envisaged : I think it 's been the instigator for a lot of cross-curriculum things which I did n't really anticipate ; I thought it might have been instigator for the sort of subject-based problems that would either stimulate something in the subject or the subject could actually move to the library and it 's obviously worked faster on the cross-curriculum aspect .
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