Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Acton gave it expression for the first time in 1887 , in a letter which Tolkien might have been interested enough to read — it is in a strongly anti-Papal context .
2 They consider , sometimes in fairly abstract terms , the kinds of policies which Labour might have adopted , without asking whether such policies had any chance of securing parliamentary support .
3 Much of the potential for transferability of good practice could come through a series of innovations which partnership might originate , provided it is prepared to transcend traditional structures .
4 It was he , Clasper , who dictated to management the size of the labour force they would require to produce a given number of products , regardless of any figure which management might arrive at by employing accurately measured work standards .
5 Specifically , by considering the themes of adaptability , accountability and technological coherence I believe we have principles and processes by which business might prompt the education service to question and change its own practices .
6 Sylvester 's text considers these factors and balances them against the feebleness with which Magritte might execute dull repetitions of his more popular compositions .
7 The nearest precedent — which dates from the 30s — involved an incident of non-consensual heterosexual spanking in which only academic consideration was given to the effect which consent might have had .
8 The objective of this paper is to advance four propositions about the purpose , scope , and implementation of competition policy , to measure existing policies against these theses , and to identify the directions in which reform might go .
9 If only Boy had known , there was lots more where that came from ; there was lots of advice which Madame might have given him , but did n't .
10 Although circumstances could be imagined in which serfdom might profit a state , Chicherin wrote , they no longer obtained in Russia .
11 In Casati it was held that the scope of that restriction might vary in time and depended on an assessment of the requirements of the Common Market and on an appraisal of both the advantages and risks which liberalization might entail .
12 However , we can say that even historic cost accounting , in times of rising prices , does provide some indication of the extent to which capital might have been eroded or maintained , which as we have suggested earlier is potentially useful information .
13 Mr Summerchild , however , was evidently feeling his way towards a quite different sense — the idea of some kind of grading system for our experience , of some variable level of satisfactoriness to which life might attain , and which , as he implied , might be enhanced by various practical means .
14 Studies of children who learn music successfully suggest that whilst routines are important , there is also a case for ‘ focused periods ’ during which music might occupy longer and more sustained periods of attention — as part of a project , for example , or in preparation for a performance .
15 Later scholars contented themselves with trying to find an abstract basis on which gender might turn out to be logical after all .
16 The first step is to determine which system might affect the subsequent course of events ; these could be the station 's electrical system , the ECCS , the radioactivity scrubbing system , and the containment system .
17 People 's purchase behaviour will , in part , be determined by basic economic factors such as : * the real disposable income available to them for expenditure on consumer goods and services ; * the price of the available products ; * basic personal perceptions of what constitutes good " value for money " ; * the relative prices of " substitute " products , whose purchase might become preferred ; * the relative prices of " complementary " products ( whose purchase is in some way related to the original purchase ) .
18 In the years since 1945 , Japan , unlike many other industrial nations , has received few immigrants whose presence might modify this sense of ‘ being Japanese ’ .
19 The movement was not without criticism from those whose support might have been taken for granted ; Robertson Nicoll pronounced the 1894 Congress a ‘ failure ’ because ‘ it does not represent Nonconformity and it is wholly lacking in enthusiasm and initiative . ’
20 And leaping animals , at least those whose weight might cause significant changes in the terrain leapt upon , presumably have some understanding of support and can perceive potentially dangerous or unstable structures .
21 As well as composing , Lennox Berkeley taught composition on the Broadwood piano in the study : among his pupils were Richard Rodney Bennett ; John Manduell , now head of the Northern College of Music ; and John Tavener who , in a recent broadcast , remembered how his lessons were often interrupted , sometimes by Nicky , the Berkeleys ' youngest son — whose football might make an unscheduled appearance through the window , to Lennox Berkeley 's gentle consternation — or by Freda coming in with some latest gossip which would send the tutor ‘ running for the gin cupboard ’ .
22 It was increasingly difficult to appeal to the working man whose vote might put the party back into power without antagonizing the wealthy man whose financial assistance was crucial .
23 He was the justification for the war , particularly in the eyes of neighbouring princes whose intervention might have been decisive but who were understandably not that involved in the quarrel over the succession to Angoulême .
24 There are several examples of natural hazards whose impact might benefit from a GIS perspective that cuts across the science-social science divide .
25 ‘ I have tasted it , ’ he explained to the stonewalling Scot , whose riposte might have upset some shareholders : ‘ And you 've lived to tell the tale ! ’
26 In fact , as is now abundantly clear , it meant that the Government would ratify Maastricht , but without the social chapter , whatever Parliament might have to say on the matter .
27 A trip to Lombok , the next island along , gives a taste of what Bali might have been like before tourism .
28 Whatever research might indicate , the power of existing values and beliefs about current issues is often stronger than the empirical evidence .
29 There is no logical or necessary developmental sequence involved in either case , nor is it easy to see what research might support such orderings .
30 The term ‘ story ’ becomes an important indicator of what Federman might write , although it is impossible to take this at face value .
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