Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Concessions contained within the agreement include the reduction in the number of days on which firing can take place , the replacement of high explosive high artillery rounds with training rounds by September 1998 and the exclusion of training from 400 acres of land at Quintin 's Man and Rough Tor .
2 That is a matter of social policy with which Parliament can deal by appropriate legislation if it wishes to do so .
3 We try to bring about an environment in which creativity can flourish by selecting people of outstanding ability who wish to work on a problem of their own choice and for which we can imagine a substantial outcome .
4 ‘ The cookery book ’ Oakeshott writes , ‘ is not an independently generated beginning from which cooking can spring ; it is nothing more than an abstract of somebody 's knowledge of how to cook : it is the stepchild , not the parent of the activity . ’
5 But that is talent speaking of genius , and it overlooks the protective colouring by which genius can seek to mask its own sensitivities .
6 In the same way that there are rules within sentences , limiting which words can follow others , so there might also be rules within discourses , limiting which sentence can follow another one , and if I write ‘ The knight killed the dragon ’ , then there might be limits , or constraints , on what I can put as the next sentence .
7 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
8 This is an important book from which scientist can benefit and which lay people can enjoy .
9 Initially people , including health professionals , were slow in recognising the broad spectrum of ways in which AIDS can affect individuals , families and societies .
10 Mankind 's failure to recognise with conviction that this basic source of ‘ goodness ’ represents the first premise from which to define God , would mean that the only way in which civilisation can prosper is barred , for there is no other identifiable source available .
11 There are a number of ways in which Compact can enhance your teaching and professional development .
12 The Conservatives believe that the government 's role is to ensure that we continue to have a good foundation of basic and strategic science on which industry can draw , to encourage a good supply of up-to-date and creative scientists , and to encourage the right climate for successful innovation .
13 One should therefore be cautious about generalisations which do less than justice to the contribution which friendship can make to the well-being of specific groups of old people .
14 There has been little support from independent black defence organizations and authentic community groups whose actions go far beyond the narrow categories in which antiracism can operate .
15 Higher rates of stocking can be supporting using aeration which not only increases the rate at which oxygen can dissolve in water but also that at which carbon dioxide moves from the water into the atmosphere .
16 The history of the battles on the interracial scale and of lesser conflicts on the individual scale , has provided a vast store from which humanity can obtain limitless examples from which to extract actions which are universally acceptable as ‘ good ’ .
17 These are : that Braverman ignores worker resistance ; that management may be ignorant of the most effective ways of meeting worker recalcitrance ; that there are more ways of killing a cat than skinning it ( in other words , that there are mechanisms other than fragmentation and de-skilling which management can use to control recalcitrant labour ) ; that technological and market opportunities vary across firms and that these influence the outcome of the struggle between capital and labour over the form of work organisation which is adopted ; and that the tight control of labour and the need to maximise output from individual workers may not be management 's most dominant concern in every case .
18 The Braggs thus showed that the angle of reflection of X-rays could be related to the distance d between the two layers of atoms : This is the Bragg equation A crystal may have several planes from which reflection can take place .
19 This kind of thing has an important influence on the degree to which congestion can arise .
20 Another interesting example of the powerful effect which hypnosis can have on the various planes of the individual is provided by the case of a middle-aged lady from Stornoway who was admitted to the local cottage hospital with terminal breast cancer .
21 Further thought reveals however that it is not so simple , and that there are several stages , at any one of which error can occur which breaks a link in the chain of communication ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
22 A government which business can do business with
23 The energy crisis which we 're in at the moment , and which will , although it 's temporarily abating if we judge the prices on the oil market , will not go away , is one of the most important areas in which chemistry can contribute .
24 Good songwriters often have unremarkable voices : a weather-beaten bleat that denotes experience , maybe , or a finished shine in which meaning can glisten .
25 Another less weighted but no less effective criticism is that those areas which most need really effective state intervention are the least likely to produce the conditions in which intervention can work , the most obvious reason for this being that deprived peripheral regions are , as Banfield noted , not locations attractive to administrative and political elites of the kind needed to implement the reforms .
26 Nevertheless , if there is any sense in which capitalism can develop the Third World , and there is evidence that this is happening in some countries or in some sectors , then the theoretical elaboration of the idea of dependency reversal may be useful .
27 The Greens want regional self-reliance , in agriculture as well as in other things ; a land tax applied so that ‘ in general terms , the nearer the land is to its natural state , the lower the land tax would be ’ ; energy efficiency ; population reduction through encouragement and education ( with 15–20 million the target for Britain ) ; and a sharing of ‘ the abundance which nature can provide for us all if the greedy do not take more than their fair share ’ .
28 Whereas the counsellor can hope to point retired people towards new activities and new sources of friendship , the loss of income associated with retirement is a matter over which counselling can have little direct influence .
29 Here , different timber was used to repair a damaged sill and , in time , the new timber has shrunk away , leaving an ugly gap into which water can soak .
30 The Government 's main role is to ensure a sound and stable economic framework within which enterprise can flourish and the battle against inflation can be won .
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