Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] only [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 For one reason , space is almost a vacuum , so that molecules erm are few and far between , and one thing about chemistry it is really the science of not particularly molecules but molecules that react with one another , but here once one has got a molecule in space it does n't actually meet another one for a very long time , so even a molecule that is reactive and which may only last for maybe a microsecond in the laboratory , interstellar space it may last for a thousand years .
2 Some are certainly seen each winter in areas where breeding has not been established , which may only indicate some local dispersal or that the species is easy to miss when breeding .
3 Indeed the evidence ( Wilson 1980 , Evans 1981 ) suggests that disruptive pupils are exposed to an inferior curriculum which may only add to their difficulties .
4 I 'm just waiting for my international clearance now , which should only take a few days , and then I 'll be aiming to challenge for a first team place . ’
5 The Meteorological Office said calculations from local records put such rain in the ‘ very rare event ’ category , something which might only happen there once in 500 years .
6 ‘ But to give way to those feelings , and start a sexual relationship with the patient was a betrayal of the therapist 's role , which could only damage the patient .
7 It took two more days for these to appear , in a lengthy convoy of ox-drawn sledges which could only move painfully slowly .
8 Jesus was describing a fulfilled life which could only grow to be better and better .
9 This was a situation which could only last a short time before complete economic and social collapse ensued .
10 That indeed was the case , with the appearance of another loose intergovernmental structure , a Conference of European Ministers of Transport , which could only suggest and advise — though it did have some success in persuading ten states to sign a convention on cooperation and coordination of their rail networks in 1953 .
11 Indifferently magnificent , it sneered back at my eager camera lens , which could only fit in a pitiful few floors .
12 Capricious and Lothian , two of the flotilla 's escort frigates , swung at their buoys , which could only mean that the Jan Mayen had gone out to bring the submarine in .
13 A more serious challenge to the text , however , came from a ‘ higher authority ’ — which could only mean the pope — on 24 November when the Secretary of State asked that explicit mention be made of Pius XI 's and Pius XII 's doctrine on marriage , which would not only condemn all forms of artificial contraception ( at this point , before Humanae Vitae , such a ban was not a foregone conclusion ) , but would also subordinate conjugal love to the procreation of children as the purpose of marriage .
14 Which could only mean one thing .
15 If that policy were applied throughout Britain , as was also said by the right hon. Gentleman , it would cost £1.2 billion — an additional cost to the taxpayer which could only mean less investment in roads .
16 He was far too honourable to approach Asquith with a deal which could only mean the compromise of both their principles for a period of artificial power , not unlike the last years of the Coalition ; and he saw that an anti-socialist alliance could only lead , in the end , to a major Labour victory .
17 Initial , would have to be interpreted as initial , plus post-initial , , with the result that the post-initial set of consonants would have to contain , , , and also , — consonants which are rather different from the other four and which could only combine with , .
18 I had only known , positively though without details , that there was no help and no comfort forthcoming from the source , and that being so I shied away from any mental flashbacks which could only make me more unhappy and ashamed .
19 Before , he had always been rather frightening but now he looked pathetic with his tear-stained cheeks , grieving eyes and red gaping mouth which could only make gurgling sounds as Benjamin took him by the hand and tried to convey his condolences .
20 Problematisation of ‘ images of women ’ criticism and its counterpart in realist documentary film-making became a major theme in feminist film criticism of the mid to late 1970s , on the grounds that realism created an illusory notion of transparency which could only reaffirm , not undermine dominant common-sense notions of the subject as ( bourgeois ) individual and of reality as fixed , accessible and ‘ there ’ .
21 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
22 Tests revealed that he had abnormally high levels of insulin in his blood , which could only have been injected .
23 On the ground in front of the simple headstone were several dark splashes , which could only have been made by blood .
24 From the moorland rimwards of the wood they watched the battle between the trees and Time , which could only have one ending .
25 East Beirut officials and press called that a flagrant interference in the Lebanon 's affairs , which could only strengthen Gen Aoun .
26 East Beirut officials and press called that a flagrant interference in the Lebanon 's affairs , which could only strengthen Gen Aoun .
27 With more confidence , more people would be looking to invest in capital goods like office furniture , which could only help Project and its 450 Haverhill workforce , he said .
28 Sadler had articulated the political sentiment in his Manchester inquiry when he remarked on how education was but one aspect of ‘ a many sided problem ’ , and as such it necessitated both the development of individuality and personal conviction and ‘ a sense of national duty and obligation towards the State ’ , which could only come through ‘ better and more systematic training for the duties of citizenship and for home-making and family claims ’ .
29 The fusion of the Asian and European conflicts was a gamble which could only come off if a successful blitzkrieg were to lead to negotiation .
30 It is possible to imagine that one of them was brightening with the low cunning of unscrupulous greed and that the other was already stepping into that heavy gloom of shame and guilt which could only take him to the hospital or worse .
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