Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The major difference which appears from the beginning is that sign language does not require voice and therefore allows the possibility of a mixing of two language codes , something which rarely occurs in the spoken situation .
2 But there is Marxist work on the origins and on typologies of art which properly belongs in this first division .
3 Instead , bloated catalogues bulged with inferior stock and works which properly belonged in the routine day sales and had been promoted in order to provide ballast for the smarter evening sessions .
4 Unfortunately he found like others that even eminence in science did not automatically bring emolument , and in 1863 he contemplated moving to Manchester ; but Samuelson then came up with the proposal of producing a new Quarterly Journal of Science , which duly appeared in January 1864 under the editorship of Crookes and Samuelson .
5 The Committee accepted the prototypes first , which duly arrived in January 1934 and were placed on display in Talbot Square ( Opposite ) .
6 Any benefit obtained from the issue costs is reflected in the interest expense and hence issue costs are appropriately accounted for as an adjustment to the amount of the liability , which effectively results in their being charged over the life of the instrument .
7 There seemed to be wide horizontal bands of light which slowly changed in intensity , with brighter spots growing and fading in places mysteriously against the deeps of eternity .
8 It was here that disenchantment with the liberalism of the New Deal and its successor the Great Society began setting in , which eventually culminated in the landslide victories for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s .
9 This fascinating display holds , and reveals to you the vital spirit which eventually triumphed in 1945 .
10 A gradual process began in countries liberated by the Red Army , which eventually resulted in governments across eastern Europe using police-state methods and carrying out Soviet-style economic reforms , the very antithesis of liberal democracy .
11 Further down the chain of linked processes , are all the activities which eventually result in the provision of the product to the final consumer .
12 Troops storm the Sikh stronghold of the Golden Temple , causing widespread resentment which eventually issues in the assassination of Indira Gandhi .
13 Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness , which naturally results in a drop in weight .
14 Then , scientists worried that if microbes such as E. coli which naturally lives in the human gut , escaped from a laboratory carrying foreign genes , they could colonise the gut and flood the body with protein .
15 The debates that accompanied the passage of this Bill through Parliament reflected two themes which constantly recur in discussions about local government reorganisation .
16 Galatians 3 , 28 is quoted : ‘ There is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus ’ as though sexual differences were subsumed in a common humanity which alone counts in the scheme of redemption .
17 He lost the first frame quite easily but when Wattana had made 42 in the second , the 23-year-old Thai tried an ambitious plant which only let in Hendry for a clearance of 96 .
18 There has been much confusion here mainly because the SGA 1979 uses the words " condition " and " warranty " as technical expressions , the breach of which gives the right to treat the contract as at an end in the case of a condition ( s11(3) of SGA 1979 ) , or in the case of a subsidiary term like a warranty , the breach of which only sounds in damages ( s61(1) of SGA 1979 ) .
19 The problem of administrative inconvenience resulting from the quashing of decisions with retrospective effect might also be capable of being overcome in some cases by some form of prospective relief ( that is , relief which only operates in the future ) .
20 It has become commonplace to observe that the precious yet precarious Churchill Ian , stiff-upper-lip culture which only materializes in the midst of national adversity — underneath the arches , down in the air-raid shelters where Britannia enjoyed her finest hours — is something from which blacks are excluded .
21 Pet writhed , which only succeeded in making her sink even quicker .
22 He was born in Leeds in 1789 and trained as an architect , but by 1830 had taken over the fight against child abuses from Robert Owen ( q.v. ) , and conducted a vigorous campaign for a ten-hour day , which only succeeded in 1847 with the passing of the Ten Hour Bill limiting the working hours of all those aged up to eighteen .
23 Richmann and his remaining man ran a few yards after the departing car , blazing away with a frustrated volley which only succeeded in blowing a few holes out of the bodywork and setting fire to the rear-mounted spare wheel .
24 But BBC boss-to-be John Birt has already had enough of the sun , sex and sangria saga , which only started in July .
25 This is the cheaper version which only comes in aluminium
26 As they longed for a spiritual assurance of Christ 's presence and received it in the Holy Spirit which literally inspired in them knowledge and love of God so the meditator may grow in inner spiritual knowledge ( c.33 , 36 ) .
27 An answer which merely consists in pointing out the falsehood or impossibility of the conclusion must , therefore , be missing the point .
28 At the same time his status seems to have caused him to be associated with campaigns which took place after his death : the invasion of Italy by Buccelin , which rightly belongs in the reign of Theudebald , was assigned by Gregory to that of his father .
29 The first one we 've had satisfaction on today , erm that new employ sorry existing employment land falling vacant and being redeveloped does n't count against the sixty hecst hectares , secondly that the borough if it wished , subject to the local plan process and er county structure plan policies could choose to put its sixt sixty hectares outside the city centres or in part , and then the third weight sir which much hover in the air I guess till tomorrow would be er the arrival of the strategic site policy which would be in addition .
30 AI groups campaigned for his release which finally came in 1987 .
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