Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] 're [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I forget which you 're trying to establish .
2 Erm and those people who have been asked the specific question , Would you pay a premium price for this water as against that which you 're drinking ? said yes .
3 . Thirteen two fourteen one fourteen two which you 're reporting on later .
4 The basis of the book is that we are unfulfilled because we 've grown too sophisticated for God , we 're lonely , we 're morally confused , and I think God is the answer for this , it fashions , religion fashions the kind of community in which you 're redeemed from loneliness , it gives you the sense that when you come close to the end of your life you do n't have to panic that you have wasted your life because religion can show you that you have made a difference to the world .
5 You just get a feeling that one actor is going to give you that certain something which you 're looking for .
6 So , for instance , when asked : ‘ What has been your greatest achievement ? ’ the philosopher 's reply will start with ‘ Well , it depends what you really mean by ‘ greatest achievement ’ and the context in which you 're using it . ’
7 You can use a submersible pump , which you 're using for a fountain or cascade to empty most of the water , but only do this to the level of the pump intake — then it 's a matter of bailing out with a bucket .
8 Kilowatts is not energy , it 's the rate at which you 're using energy , how quickly is this electrical appliance burning up electricity ?
9 Is a , is a , a thing which you 're commenting on as well .
10 ‘ Instead of which you 're landed with a nuisance like me ! ’
11 Now a cursory look through our library cuttings today shows me the huge range of work in which you 're involved .
12 An adjustable control system allows you to pass in a different direction to which you 're running , enabling lots of teamwork between your players , including clever one-twos .
13 Which you 're shadowing ? ’
14 But I do see the project quality plan being extremely valuable because you will be feeding back the front part of the quality plan to the client and explaining the extras that you 're going to do , or the constraints within which you 're working .
15 I believe there 's one other area in which you 're working , and that is putting computers together to simulate visual interpretation of some kind .
16 These days we can do it much easier and we do it electrically , so we can use a relationship between conductivity which has to be er compensated for temperature and pressure at which you 're doing your readings , and that gives us a measure of our chlorinity and then that gives us a measure back to our salinity .
17 It ties in with exactly the sort of development which you 're doing in rural settings for learning disability and it attracts grant because of its er , its ability to show an element that is training people towards future employment .
18 I was just taking that as a working example of the concept which you 're putting forward , .
19 And as I say , you ca n't really beat what I call the basic training apprenticeships which you 're to come through .
20 which you 're gon na have to do anyway
21 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
22 Just the questions which you 're gon na give to somebody else to mark .
23 So you got ta weigh that up against er , doing two plans , which you 're paying the true cost of the benefits you would get .
24 But if you stick to commonsense rules which you 're brought up to believe , or most people are , then I think it would work better , because you 're in a sort of rules — in the same environment …
25 and they er as in many countries erm there is a very high incidence of er of death through death driving erm amongst young people and in America each state has a different er age in which you 're allowed to consume alcohol .
26 Erm I think it it is beneficial mainly in the sense that erm if nothing more than running round the vehicle to make sure there are no marks and bangs and scratches on it which you 're going to inherit from the the previous run that it had er with a different driver perhaps .
27 you have n't marked on what it is , erm and then you come make get some interruptions , which you 're going to do , and you
28 My question to Mr which he might like to comment on in his his summing up , is we 've heard about the forthcoming meeting which you 're going to arrange with the district council 's , how soon would you be able to make progress ?
29 You know you want to know and I would 've thought that the higher the management the more they want to know the implications , the financial of it of any plan which you 're going into .
30 Well I think some of the bricks could when you decide wha which you 're going to use and which you , mm .
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