Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] can be " in BNC.

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1 You want me to be angry , which I ca n't be , and then to be soothing , which I can be .
2 And here today 's bandwagon rolling tip , Pershing po poised to fulfil his promise , that 's Paul Johnson in the Racing Post , John de Moreville in the Express Pershing to strike his target and now here is something of which nobody can be proud Gosforth Park South Africa .
3 In fact there are very few goods that are pure public goods ; that is , goods that yield benefits from which nobody can be excluded and for which the amount the individual can consume does not diminish as the number of consumers increases .
4 They 're on a worldwide scale rather than a national scale , but you have to recognise that there are only so many hours in the day in which you can be efficient .
5 Whether you believe you are saying those words to God , fate or life itself , they will help to bring to mind those things for which you can be grateful and this in turn will help to increase your own state of joy .
6 BEING THRIFTY Some of the ways in which you can be thrifty with food will be covered in the next chapter and energy management discussed in Chapter 3 , should make a significant difference to your heating bills in the winter .
7 ‘ Cricket must now be the only sport in which you can be punished for the same offence twice and , who knows , maybe three times if he appeals !
8 Talk about your feelings with them and that will help you decide if you 're going to need some professional help to come through this experience which is very common and in which you can be helped , no matter what you may feel at the time .
9 Here are some practical ways in which you can be active .
10 In these greenhouses there are seedlings which you can be fairly sure the neighbours wo n't have .
11 This involves estimating such factors as new household formation ( which itself can be affected by housing supply and prices ) , the rate of slum clearance , the role of improvements and major repairs to existing houses , and the geographic shift of jobs , retirement migration , second homes , and improved housing standards .
12 Elaborations are characteristic of what might be called a pedagogical style , which itself can be explained in terms of the principle of relevance .
13 The fecundity of the Great Mother gives rise to numerous ways in which she can be defined .
14 Understanding involves an area more extensive than that of which one can be conscious ; one can not be outside and inside at the same time …
15 Which one can be decided arbitrarily ( as in the preceding chapter ) or using penalties ( as in this chapter ) .
16 Does n't this conflict with the basic aim of emotion , and action , of reaching a general stance in and towards the world with which one can be content , just as inconsistency in belief conflicts with the basic aim of belief , namely truth ?
17 This is not an area about which one can be dogmatic : it is simply a matter of opening up students ' minds to the need for some care in the matter of selection of learnable language .
18 But though desire determines actions in this way , there nevertheless is , argues Hobbes , a sense in which we can be free .
19 It is the beliefs of which we can be most certain , Newman argues , that play the least significant part in our lives .
20 In these circumstances to talk of the inner city may be to accept a vocabulary which we might prefer not to endorse but it might also use the only language in which we can be heard .
21 The excitement of the Camphill Project , the expansion of the congregation to swell the numbers in both morning services on a Sunday and the continuous flow of new members into the church are all things for which we can be glad and rejoice , because God is at work .
22 Language provides the context in which we can be said to understand each other .
23 It also reflected philosophical scruples since it was n't obvious how a mechanical device could be conscious and , as Descartes is famous for pointing out , the only thing of which we can be certain is that we are conscious .
24 In short , we now have a wealth of riches of which we can be proud .
25 There has been input to this scheme from all divisions of the Department resulting in a very successful project of which we can be justifiably proud .
26 which we can be sure , or think we can be sure , of biological connection is always very narrow ; but sociological kinship , which depends only on our willingness to slot individuals into particular verbal categories , can be extended as far as we like , or rather as far as local convention requires , and that may be thousands of miles and include many thousands of individuals .
27 That is not something of which we can be certain .
28 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
29 Of course , I recognise , respect and enjoy Britain 's regional diversity , of which we can be particularly proud .
30 The only way in which we can be convinced that the situation in South Africa is getting better is by abolishing all the racist laws , doing away with the whole system of apartheid , allowing every adult to be able to decide on their own future , in other words universal adult suffrage .
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