Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Could you tell me about the house , of which you were bombed out ?
2 Note , too , that this size is marginally smaller than that for which you were asked to quote .
3 Since then every Q.T. has received in their notes a red paper outlining the Grant Aid meeting also a letter containing a revised timetable in which you were asked to think about specific items .
4 It seems to me that an awful lot of the voluntary sector does come from very much the individualist side of the equation which you were laying out in front of us Chris .
5 Unfortunately , you have not given me enough information about your medical condition or the drug which you were taking to enable me to say definitely whether or not you can make a claim .
6 Unfortunately , you have not given me enough information about your medical condition or the drug which you were taking to enable me to say definitely whether or not you can make a claim .
7 Studies on savants who can tell you the day of the week on which you were born found that they followed the rules of a calendar to work out the dates .
8 Naturally I am addressing this letter particularly to those of you — the majority — who resisted all temptations and ‘ pressure selling ’ techniques to which you were exposed , and stayed with us !
9 The last time I saw you , you had an old Gretsch which you were thinking of getting rid of …
10 I , I er , you would not expect me to continue with the euphoria which you were trying to create earlier , and er , I have to say that I suppose that you would n't er , be proposing any different budget to this would you , in the circumstances that you 've got .
11 Another recipe relied on lily of the valley , lard and a cup of old wine , which you were advised to ‘ pound together in the manner which thou mightest work a plaister , and lay to the hand ’ .
12 It was above all the place to which you were advised to go if you had for some reason been shot , in either war or peace .
13 ‘ A man like you might have looked through the screens of the rickshaw ; might have counted the time it took to reach the place , calculated the direction in which you were taken . ’
14 Do n't think I did n't hope that you might be buried in the prison for ever , or hanged for the murder of which you were accused .
15 Stick to your own class and the community in which you were brought up . ’
16 And I can tell you this : I 'm amazed at your new modern outlook ; I 've always known you to be as strait-laced as a Victorian corset and sticking to the narrow principles of that time in which you were brought up .
17 You travelled in a series of zigs and zags , keeping a record of it all in a notebook — the bearing on which you were travelling , the time of the start and end of each leg … .
18 This was set up by the Fair Trade Foundation which you were asking about , .
19 Use this form after any incident in which you were hurt , abused or threatened , or where your property was damaged .
20 Now what that means is that you 've admitted the offence which you were arrested for which is er
21 The kitchen was small and cramped , the house having been built pre-war with a dining room which you were expected to eat in .
22 Elsewhere in this issue you will read of the latest Economist survey of Britain 's survey of Britain 's Most Admired Companies in which we were placed third overall ; top in our business sector ; top in quality of management ; and second in our quality of marketing .
23 For Bataille , the ultimate destination of rational thought is the revelation that we know and can know nothing , beyond the realization that all the towering projections of the human spirit are based on a primary denial of the abyss out of which we were formed .
24 Nor can such a power be inferred from , for example , regulation 3C(6) of the 1991 Regulations to which we were referred .
25 In each of the authorities to which we were referred , and in particular in Gallie v. Lee , the doctrine of non est factum is explained in different words by different judges , but with a striking uniformity of concept and of emphasis .
26 I only add a few words of my own out of deference to the contrary view expressed by my noble and learned friend , Lord Lowry , and to consider the cases on thefts from companies to which we were referred in the course of argument .
27 I was a police officer erm attached or er on a permanent basis with the operations support unit which we were based in er .
28 ‘ I do not myself feel justified in attaching much weight to the tenuous evidence upon which we were invited to find that the plaintiffs made their payments because of apprehensions induced by words or conduct of state officials that vehicles would or might be seized and detained under section 47 .
29 Listening on one occasion to a Greek Orthodox argue against the ordination of women , I had the distinct impression that his God , who seemed to reside immediately above the ceiling of the room in which we were gathered , had issued the most precise directions to humanity .
30 When they got to the bedroom , further surprises awaited them : ‘ Out of one of the beds , on which we were to repose , started up , at our entrance , a man black as Cyclops from the forge . ’
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