Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] have in " in BNC.

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1 Had I gone on with this research at the depth which I had in view I would undoubtedly have used a far more informal interview and , having chosen possible points of difference , I would have introduced these in the interviews and let the informants develop the themes themselves .
2 But much latelier , in the private academies of Italy , wither I was favoured to resort , perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory , composed at under twenty or thereabouts , for the manner is that everyone must give some proof of his wit a reading there , met with acceptance above what was looked for , and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences to patch up amongst them , were received with written incomience which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps .
3 Then the Cid assembled together the Christians in the Alcazar , and when they were assembled , he rose upon his feet and said , Friends and kinsmen and vassals , praised be God and holy Mary Mother , all the good which I have in the world I have here in Valencia ; with hard labour I won the city , and hold it for my heritage , and for nothing less than death will I leave it .
4 I said , ‘ If there is naught else in Paradise for me but this delight which I have in my own nature , no other blessing will I want and not even the houris and sugarcane of Paradise will divert me from it . ' ’
5 I have already referred to the Attorney-General 's reference , a type of public-interest action on behalf of the criminal classes , which is one example of the technique which I have in mind .
6 This brilliant piece of oratory which I have in my hand here , in addition to many other valuable insights , contains three alternative definitions of faith , two gentle digs at Professor , and one definitive statement of when the third millennium begins .
7 May I check with the Minister his actual words , which I have in front of me ?
8 We killed 9 Manura [ sic ] superba 3 of which I have in brine for dissection , 2 for skeletons , the rest in skin , a pair of which with several other fine birds I intend for Lady Franklin .
9 Scandalmongers will be disappointed to know that it is not the prostitutes which I have in mind here , rather the fact that this little thing called Amendment 27 to the Maastricht bill is also receiving such a chorus of anticipation .
10 And while you were , while you were using a film which you had in anyway for the next day 's performance and putting in that slot
11 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
12 It 's picking up its printer driver from your disk which you had in which
13 Yes I recall on Friday morning we had this discussion about the wording which you had in the er
14 We have been in great difficulty during the last thirty six hours over an alleged parachute operation which you have in view .
15 Tactics are the means by which you will try to achieve the broad strategy or plan which you have in mind .
16 . The patched lines on the plan which you have in front of you erm are only intended to be indicative .
17 Mrs Knight said Bruce 's daughter joined him in the house and cleared out a bureau which she had in the bedroom .
18 Bruce said he wanted to buy a writing bureau which she had in her bedroom and Mrs Knight helped clear out her belongings from its drawers .
19 To answer this question adequately I think one would have to know the degree structures which one had in mind .
20 She then proceeded to recite a bitter list of all the failed marriages which we had in our midst or knew of .
21 The kinds of activities which we had in mind were problem-solving and investigations , collaborative writing , reading and discussion about books and poems in pairs and groups , group picture or collage making , group construction tasks , group activities on the computer : the sorts of activities whose value is widely accepted and which might be included in the repertoire of any teacher , regardless of differences in overall teaching style .
22 In Equation ( 2.6.1 ) we arbitrarily assign ( n — 2 ) different values to unc ( other than unc = 0 , which we have in effect used to determine pn ) and then evaluate the ( numerical ) determinant for each of these .
23 All of which we have in this brochure defined for us .
24 The idea of citizenship itself had a special status during the late Victorian and Edwardian periods as politicians , philosophers , educationalists , and social scientists were continually calling for a revival of the concept , by which they had in mind a form of social organization stressing harmony , duty , service , self-realization , rationality , and morally good behaviour .
25 The only question is whether they existed in 1072 in their original form or in the contaminated form which they had in 1120 , when their texts , as we know them , first come to light and are preserved in several copies .
26 The welfare of those they ruled and still more the greatness of the State ( now clearly separated from the ruler and the ruling dynasty ) dominated their calculations as never before ; indeed an ideal of State service was the one thing which they had in common .
27 Things do not look white in virtue of something analytically involved in their looking white , something which they have in common — as metals have in common that their oxides dissolved in water yield an alkaline solution — with other things that look white .
28 Here , as elsewhere ( Bittner 1965 ) , we seem to have been misled by an essentialist definitional procedure which concentrates on the differences between phenomena and neglects those other matters which they have in common .
29 When , in 1594 , John Parker obtained a grant of a new office for keeping pleadings in Chancery , two of the Six Clerks , who had done his work previously , wrote that ‘ the King by his letters patents may not oust the common people of their rights and inheritance which they have in the common law of this land ’ .
30 For it is Jesus as he was remembered and his words as we have them which have played the part which they have in western culture .
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