Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [was/were] part " in BNC.

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1 For their authentication , they required the experience of being in the situation in which they were part of the ordered life .
2 But apart from this , the Nazareans are indistinguishable from the broader movement of which they were part .
3 Park , adopting an analogy with plant and animal ecology , was interested in how individuals adapted to the larger , and rapidly changing , society of which they were part .
4 Already in the later seventeenth century , moreover , the designation of chargé d'affaires had begun to be given to secretaries who thus acquired a representative character , either on appointment or on the death or departure of the head of the mission of which they were part .
5 She feels that the old-style independent sector , like the wider political movements of which it was part , was important in creating a climate of interest , a sense of the possible without which , she believes , programmes like Out on Tuesday could not have been made .
6 The American Quartet also supplied a direct link with that first concert in 1972 in which it was part of the programme .
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