Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [is] in " in BNC.

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1 That announcement to W. could , in my judgment , only serve to underline to her the extent to which she is in control .
2 Another parliamentary colleague consistently to make the connection between Britain 's economic policies and the European morass into which she is in danger of sinking is Nicholas Budgen , Member for Wolverhampton .
3 What diversifiers should have done instead , reckons Mr Chandler ( a point on which he is in wholehearted agreement with folk such as Mr Peters ) , was to concentrate their resources on ‘ reinventing ’ their existing businesses .
4 This is an important recognition for the narrator , for gradually in his quest for Bazlen he too comes to accept that he is ‘ passing through ’ , and that the truth of which he is in pursuit is not an object fixed in time and space .
5 He has an interesting and persuasive voice , for which he is in ever-increasing demand outside the USA .
6 Obsessional neurosis is shown in the patient 's being occupied with thoughts in which he is in fact not interested , in his being aware of impulses which appear very strange to him and his being led to actions the performance of which give him no enjoyment but which it is quite impossible for him to omit .
7 They are those of a man working imaginatively within the framework of an ideological system with which he is in entire agreement .
8 Except when they are earned by the professor as the supervisor of graduate students , as an academic adviser under the regulations for Recognized Students , or ( subject to the approval of the faculty board or boards concerned and the General Board , including approval as to the length of time for which the permission shall be given ) in respect of tutorial teaching for up to four hours per week ( exceptionally up to six hours per week ) , any fees received for lectures or instruction given by the professor in the University shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the department of which he is in charge or , if he is not in charge of the department , shall be paid to the Curators of the University Chest for the credit of the University General Fund .
9 Once again , a sufferer is seen to be mad , and his fearful sense of what he is up to can be seen to dominate the book in which it is in the end defeated or controverted .
10 More empirically however , on the other hand , and drawing upon the work of Peter Bürger , Callinicos accepts the case for Modernism having contained a critical moment — a ‘ protest against the capitalist society to which it is in complex ways related ’ ( p. 53 ) .
11 It is no good forcing every kind of ability into one form of education if the result is going to lower the standard which it is in the interests of the country to maintain . ’
12 An additional problem when using alumina in load bearing situations is that its elastic modulus ( 380 GPa ) is significantly higher than that of the cortical bone ( 72.5 GPa ) with which it is in contact .
13 There is sometimes a tendency for a generalist service to expand into specialisms with which it is in daily contact .
14 Support for such a fund goes back to the Evershed Committee in 1953 , which recommended that a fund should be available for actions at first instance and on appeal , certified by the Attorney-General as raising a question of law of exceptional public interest which it is in the public interest to clarify .
15 Each little bit of copper and the zinc with which it is in contact act like a small battery : minute electrical currents are produced , with the water acting as the connection between the copper and zinc to complete the ‘ circuit ’ .
16 We shall find that there is a very good general rule that , while adjectives may qualify verbs or verb phrases as well as nouns , the property which an adjective designates is understood to apply to the entity of that noun phrase with which it is in construction most directly ( but not necessarily immediately , as we see in Chapters 3 to 9 ) .
17 This states that the mass ( m ) of a gas dissolved in a given volume of liquid with which it is in equilibrium is proportional to the pressure ( p ) of the gas at a particular temperature .
18 This produces the effect of a " coincident actualization " observed in sentences such as I saw him swim across the river , which can be depicted as : With auxiliaries , the connection between the infinitive and the verb with which it is in syntactic relation is much more intimate : the auxiliaries used with the infinitive do not merely evoke some other event whose support coincides in time with that of the infinitive — they qualify the very incidence of the infinitive 's event to its extra-verbal support , as actual ( do auxiliary ) or potential ( the modals ) .
19 He describes the reformation in faith , secured at baptism and by penance , leaving the soul as if on the very brink of a pit from which it has been rescued but into which it is in imminent danger of falling back .
20 On the strength of this case , Lord Denning has argued , extra-judicially , that " if newspapers or television receive or obtain information fairly from a reliable and responsible source , which it is in the public interest that the public should know , then there is a qualified privilege to publish it .
21 sense in which it 's in their interest not to breach this because you wo n't give them the material they need
22 I think that what what she is in danger of doing is cutting across what the District Council 's doing , we , er and in East Hertfordshire we are running at a , a composting scheme in conjunction with the County at and I , I , I understand that looks to be very promising .
23 Er well if you 're gon na draw the line I mean I mean it 's bloody we know what who 's in , who 's out .
24 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
25 Only , I think , in so far as I 've seen so many pictures over the years that I must have picked up some knowledge and a sort of an overview of what there is in English art , so that I can make better comparisons .
26 The common culture which Parsons postulated has three types of symbolism : ( a ) evaluative symbols which express moral standards ; ( b ) cognitive symbols which give an account of what there is in the natural and social world ; and ( c ) cathectic symbols , which define appropriate feelings about objects .
27 And you do n't know what there is in front of us . "
28 In all the chain there are less than ten square kilometres left of glacier , or about a fortieth of what there is in the Alps , though , after many years of shrinkage , the Pyrenean ice-fields are said to have spread themselves a little since 1950 .
29 So far we have discussed what there is in the way of video equipment and materials and we have looked at how we can use the machine .
30 Not a quarter what there is in cannabis .
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