Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , I can give no detailed physiological account of the ways in which my desire for coffee , and my knowledge of how to find the kitchen , boil a kettle , and so on , are actually represented .
2 She did find an Italian restaurant a couple of blocks away to dine in , however , and there made a point of drinking enough chianti to ensure a good night 's sleep , which her plans for the following day suggested she would need .
3 Thus , some schools saw the refurbishment of the library as a prerequisite for the kinds of curriculum development to which their proposal for the project was firmly linked .
4 While I have deliberately exaggerated this example to illustrate the emergence of a pattern or theme , there are a large number of people in our society who would satisfy two-thirds of these items and who are working in large structured organizations in which their search for predictability is reinforced on a daily basis .
5 The problem for the Committee here is that any adequate specification of the " richness " or " intrinsic value " of English upon which their claim for its " greatness " as a subject rests , would require that these terms be subjected to a rigorous critical , historical , and sociological analysis .
6 He was also , at this time , at the end of his twenties , exhausted from a tormented marriage , addicted to opium , an insomniac , plagued by boils , nightmares and desperate , even murderous thoughts directed against his wife and children : thoughts which his passion for Christian goodness made intolerable .
7 Nevertheless , we have nearly 2,000 CTC members in Scotland and assuming an average of around £20 per member , this amounts to almost £40,000 of income , of which our request for £750 seems modest in the extreme , particularly since we now pay the subscriptions I mentioned .
8 If Labour Members want to encourage inward investment , they should come clean and clarify in their own minds what their plans for national insurance contributions are .
9 Basically what happens when you start signing on is you go into a national unemployment computer , and that national unemployment computer will pick up , as long as you 've got the date of birth and the national insurance number , you can pick up when a person started signing o and where they 're signing , you then check with the local office to see what address they 're claiming from and what their claiming for and everything else .
10 Until now , we have discussed financial reporting in terms of the organization , and it has been implicit that we have understood what the organization is and what its implications for accounting are .
11 I 'm not quite sure what her motives for being nude were — has she said ? — but if that 's the way she wants us to think of her that 's fine
12 When asked eight weeks ago what her dream for the future was , Tatum replied : ‘ It 's that when John 's career is finished he takes care of the kids while I make two pictures a year and get to pick my scripts and work with whoever I want .
13 Whatever their choice for Christmas dinner , Sir Ranulph and Dr Stroud will have a piece of chocolate for pudding .
14 Had she been Matron , her telling me to sit down would have told me immediately that whatever her reason for wanting to see me it was not to sack me .
15 An' what yer cryin' for now ? ’
16 But we do n't know yet what his plans for next season are . ’
17 But she could not believe in him as that kind of reverent fan , whatever his enthusiasm for his subject .
18 Whatever his reasons for staying , Reg certainly knew his football and it was he who turned a team of no-hopers into one capable of sustaining a bottom six position for the rest of the decade .
19 But whatever your motives for coming over , I 'm glad you did .
20 Whatever your reasons for joining , all members receive : * a bi-monthly colour magazine , The Rambler , with countryside news , opinion , features and reviews
21 Whatever your reason for borrowing — a new car , home improvements or a holiday — we have the loan that suits your needs .
22 Any dependants , what your investment policies are , what your need for money will be over the short term and the long term .
23 But it depends what your buying for your two thousand pounds , if your buying happiness and your content with yourself then its surely money well spent
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