Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We can thus substitute equation ( 1 ) into equation ( 2 ) and obtain For a chemical system which involves only solid and/or liquid reactants and products , the expansion V of the system is often negligible or zero .
2 Our personal rule is to use braided polyester ( Dacron ) which offers only moderate stretch and can be knotted positively without risk of slipping .
3 Although they are welcome as an attempt to rationalise clinical practice , we believe the bulletin and leading article to be greatly misleading in implying an overperformance of surgery since it starts from the premise that grommet insertion is performed predominantly for hearing loss , which represents only one debilitating symptom of the many that glue ear may produce .
4 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
5 In a pipe organ of quality each pipe is a carefully-designed and individually-voiced musical instrument which produces only one frequency of sound .
6 It might not be worth adding a card to a machine which needs only occasional access to the network .
7 This is also used on some rival d-i-y machines , and is a cheaper option than a spindle lock , which needs only one tool to be used .
8 At the other end of the scale , one of the poorer vegetable sources of fibre is cucumber , which contains only 0.4 per cent of dietary fibre and tends to be consumed in modest servings .
9 This present family boasts two genera , each of which contains only one species .
10 With such a coding system it is possible to establish the primary conditions as follows : 1 ) Inserted state : that code which contains only one space zone , that being ( 0,0,0 ) 2 ) Remote state : that code which does not contain the zone ( 0,0,0 ) 3 ) Transition state : that code which contains more than one zone with one of them being ( 0,0,0 ) .
11 Sensibly comparing two foods of a very similar nature , they monitored a group of people eating a ‘ meal ’ consisting entirely of wholemeal bread , which contains 8.5 per cent of dietary fibre , and compared them with a group eating a ‘ meal ’ of white bread , which contains only 2.7 per cent dietary fibre .
12 Apart from the Kenco Medium Roast Coffee which has proved such a favourite with so many coffee drinkers for so long ; you can now choose new Kenco Light which contains only half the caffeine but still has all the great Kenco taste ; or Kenco Espresso if you prefer a rich , dark-tasting coffee , typical of the Continental Espresso-style coffee .
13 Now right , those parameters that we that we will learn will get this model in the end which contains only observable variables , only those , so it will contain prices , actual prices and actual supply alright .
14 The main constituent of natural gas is methane , CH 4 , which has only one carbon attached to four hydrogens .
15 Kate dug them in the meadow grass around the trees in the orchard ( which has only one fruiting tree ) , accompanied now by just two huge sentimental wolfhounds , Petra and Titan , which ‘ trundle about ’ following wherever she goes .
16 This is a very special 14-night tour which has only one departure on 19 June — perfectly timed to give a limited number of our customers a chance to attend the opening night of the Verona Opera Season : Verdi 's Don Carlo , performed in the 20,000 seat Roman Arena amphitheatre dating back to the 1st century .
17 The second , which has only one complete sentence out of six units bounded by full stops , very clearly does make sense ( at least it seems fair to predict that for most people it will ) .
18 This model explained quite well the structure of the simplest atom , hydrogen , which has only one electron orbiting around the nucleus .
19 But the council say the school , which has only one full-time teacher , is too small to cope with the new national curriculum .
20 The match was reminiscent of the problems of schools ' football — the big school with 11 good players will always beat the village school which has only six or seven .
21 However , one farm which has only young 1992 fish has been told by its bankers that they do not believe the fish will ever be accepted for sale , even if tested clean , because of the public perception of the oil spill .
22 AN estate agency which has only two men among its 22 staff is being investigated by the Equal Opportunities Commission .
23 This switch automatically programs any single-bed Fair Isle pattern for double jacquard which has only two colours in a row .
24 The New York exchange , which has only 100 non-US companies listed , and no German ones , would itself like the SEC 's stringent rules to be relaxed .
25 There are particular challenges in running a prison which has only those serving life sentences in it , yet it was not until earlier this year that any escape from that prison took place .
26 BRITAIN 'S driest spot is Lee Wick Farm , Clacton which has only inches of rainfall each year .
27 We can take as an example Strathtay bus company in Tayside , which is to be privatised and which has only 461 employees .
28 Two days later a figurehead president , Mr Johan Kraag , was sworn in with , as prime minister , Jules Wijdenbosch , leader of Mr Bouterse 's party ( which has only three seats in the 51-seat national assembly ) .
29 There is often a fast turnover of patients especially if the surgical ward is one which deals with a large number of minor procedures , which involve only one night in hospital or for which the patient is admitted as a " day case " .
30 One of the pairs identified by Arp is the galaxy NGC 43 19 and the object Markarian 205 , which lies only 42 arc seconds away from it on the sky , and might be a quasar or a peculiar galaxy .
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