Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] is the " in BNC.

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1 To return to the enjoyment of looking at gibbons , it will be agreed that it is not an activity separate from looking at them , not an end to which looking is the means ( as looking is the end to which visiting the zoo is the means ) .
2 Which suncream is the right one for you ?
3 If you fish with a friend , then begin in separate swims until you know which swim is the productive one .
4 Sounds complicated but much more reliable than trying to keep to a regular naming scheme that lets you know which copy is the oldest .
5 There is no really well-defined pattern , but the constellation is not hard to identify , because it lies more or less between Altair and Fomalhaut ; the line of three stars of which Altair is the central member points to it .
6 It adjoins Aquila , and may be found by sweeping away from the line of stars of which Altair is the central member .
7 The conversation which follows is the last in the book , and the weakest , too , a stagey means of imparting some crucial news for Bellow to fulminate against all that is rotten and cynical in American youth .
8 In essence the mechanics of inspections can be the same ; what differs is the role of such inspectors and their experience of inspection .
9 That infants fail to search in these situations — although they clearly have the motor skills to do so — is one of the empirical bolsters to the view that what develops is the ability to relate actions to experiences ‘ of ’ them ( again : whatever ‘ of ’ means in this context ! ) .
10 what quivers is the breeze , our breath .
11 In one case what counts is the ‘ objective positions ’ which ‘ white people ’ as such occupy within the ‘ racist power structure ’ ; in the second it is their socialization , or cultural traditions which racializes their relationships to blacks .
12 What counts is the net surface-charge density inside our chosen volume and that has n't increased at all .
13 That the aggregate wealth of society is as high as it can be is of no moral value in itself ; what counts is the effect of increases in total wealth on the welfare of the individuals who make up society .
14 What counts is the quality of care we give to the patients . ’
15 What counts is the increasing divergence between them ( and , for a Frenchman , France 's continued indecision about which system to pursue ) .
16 The monotony of the individual neurones is irrelevant ; what matters is the infinite variety of their combinations , of their patterns , which will become evident when we look at the nervous system at the right level .
17 What matters is the effect of basic instinct which Eliot had earlier presented as the result of actual murder in a simpler urban context when he described in ‘ Eeldrop and Appleplex ’ the living death experienced by a man who has murdered his mistress .
18 Rather , what matters is the certainty of supply schedules .
19 But I notice this : he exaggerates creation above redemption ; sin is treated as a rather tiresome preoccupation of the Church , and what matters is the sin and fallenness of mankind 's abuse of creation .
20 What matters is the making .
21 In the search for knowledge what matters is the truth that is knowledge .
22 To the over-sensitive , though , what matters is the cure , the meal and the money .
23 What matters is the heart and its secret whispers before God .
24 What matters is the way equipment interacts with you .
25 What matters is the British people , British jobs and the British future .
26 What matters is the welfare of our people and the future of Britain .
27 Our inclination is to say that language is not the primary thing , that we are analysing a phenomenon , and that what matters is the question , ‘ What sort of a process goes on in your mind when you know , remember , hope something ? ’
28 Rather , what matters is the pattern of the diversity .
29 What matters is the basic principle behind the exercise .
30 What matters is the ultimate profit , and if it can be increased by employing some more salesmen so be it , even if the numbers go in the wrong way .
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