Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Comparing two spectra , which involves taking into account band shapes and intensities as well as frequencies , is one of the tasks the human eye/brain seems to do rather well .
2 It is an iterative process which involves trawling through the design space of possible configurations until the optimal solution is found .
3 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
4 Attendance at these affairs , which involves queueing for the sandwiches , queueing for a glimpse of the Queen , queueing for the lavatories , queueing to leave , is potent evidence of the continuing talismanic influence of the monarchy .
5 Indeed the very definition of illness is related to a decision-making process which involves responding to symptoms by taking action to seek advice .
6 But he ca n't resist going on a teensy-weensy shopping spree with Marlon , which involves going into a jewellers , pretending to be gay and , to divert inquiries , sneezing copiously over an assistant who is terrified they are transmitting Aids .
7 This should be coupled with the less frequent process of post-auditing , which involves reviewing in detail the extent to which the project outcome has corresponded to expectations .
8 If you are uncomfortable with the idea of attending a local NHS run course , then some form of distance learning package , which involves studying at home with some tutorial support , may be what you need to get you started .
9 I am interested in working for the Forestry Commission , for a national park or getting a job which involves caring for any aspect of the environment .
10 Such metalwork and fabric may have been decorated in a way which conveyed meaning to the wearer and the viewer , but all of the artefacts whose technology we have considered had , first and foremost a function to their owners .
11 The accounting convention which divided spending into revenue ( current ) and capital expenditure was particularly susceptible to manipulation .
12 They have positive roll angles , which favour bending into the major groove , as predicted for C.G base pairs by Drew and Travers , and may therefore contribute to indirect readout .
13 That is , the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the range of contextual assumptions which distinguish sprinting from ordinary running .
14 A further court case , in which Lothar Neethling from the forensic laboratory , now a lieutenant-general and number three in the South African Police , tried to sue a newspaper for calling him a poisoner , showed Coetzee to be a reliable and accurate witness .
15 This dissonance is one of the most characteristic sounds of Bulgarian women 's traditional singing ; other striking features are the high-pitched yips which punctuate singing from the Shop and Pirin regions , and Pirin songs also feature strikingly beautiful na visoko ( high ) voices .
16 The passage of the Riot Act of 1715 , which made assembling for political ( as well as other ) purposes potentially a capital offence , reveals how far the Whigs had come from the early days when they had actively promoted political demonstrations and deliberately sought an alliance with " the crowd " .
17 Added to all this are features which make working with long , complex documents much simpler .
18 ‘ To have a 58-page French document in on Monday which needs translating to English by Thursday is quite a task , ’ says Jenny .
19 Where the caring takes place will often decide who does the bulk of the task anyway , and this is a crucial decision which needs talking about well in advance , particularly where ageing parents are concerned .
20 Your response to this letter and our meeting , will , I hope , allow me to enhance even further 's position under my Will , which needs changing following a bereavement .
21 For more permanent fixing use glued paper tape which needs moistening with water before application
22 There are only a few species of plants which grow floating on the water surface and are considered as useful for the heated aquarium .
23 After synthesis of the initial strong stop cDNA , a 5'-3' jump must occur in which base pairing between the R sequence at the 3' end of the cDNA and the complementary R sequence at the 3' end of the viral RNA occurs , and there is evidence that NC protein is required for this jump ( 34 ) .
24 The catering industry as a whole experiences seasonal demands for additional labour but , more important , those firms which provide catering for special " events " — exhibitions , cultural sporting or social occasions — have to cope with dramatic day-to-day variations in their demand for labour [ see Chapter 6 ] .
25 Similar play is made by Parc-le-Breos Riding and Holiday Centre ( Tel : 0792 371 636 ) which blends riding with field studies and walking , thus attracting a wider audience .
26 On the fourth side was the meeting chamber or auditorium which provided seating for over 1200 persons .
27 There is nothing God-given about any particular system of measurement ; intelligent life on another planet might easily have evolved a method of assessing people 's incomes which involved multiplying by a fixed amount for each increment .
28 The police imposed a change of route which involved marching to Craigavon Bridge via Duke Street , instead of Distillery Brae and Spencer Road , and to the Diamond via John Street and Foyle Street instead of Carlisle Road .
29 The House of Lords held that the surveyor was discharging the duties of both expert and quasi-arbitrator , and was not in the position of an independent arbitrator who had no other duty which involved acting in the interests of one of the parties , and that accordingly in so acting he was not guilty of collusion or bad faith .
30 After some detailed survey work members of the Glasgow South branch ; Bill McMath and George Houston ( also assisted by QAI Jonathan Simmons ) including a night visit in the pouring rain which involved peering at cracks in the outer wall with a torch , a detailed proposal was submitted to the Council .
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