Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All across Europe various events , exhibitions , meetings and discussions are being held which highlight the varying lifestyles of older people today .
2 More and more people are getting the standard pop music motifs off their chests in favour of designs which highlight the off-beat and individual .
3 The Audit Commission publishes management papers ( see , for example , 1989b ) which highlight the latest developments .
4 Hence , it has been pointed out that there was no net increase in total real wealth between 1913 and 1951 , and in this context the world wars are cast as the harpies which devoured the accumulated efforts of previous generations .
5 New elements include Visual WorkBench , and AppWizard , which automates the first steps of using an application framework , which Microsoft says makes it easier to get started developing an application .
6 Instead , the theory has to relate types of state to distinct socio-economic structures , without placing them as a whole in any historical sequence , and to explain changes in the state by characteristics of the structure of each particular form of society which engender a structural transformation .
7 The existing management was organised around establishments , each with its own board of management , its own financial system , its own marketing and commercial organisation , its safety infrastructure , administration and so on , but with business interests which overlapped the other establishments .
8 This data enables us to draw clear conclusions concerning the presence of B II conformations within the dodecamer under study and also points to more general rules which influence the probable appearance of such conformations within other sequences .
9 In the previous chapter we identified the major variables which influence the current account of the balance of payments and examined how automatic and discretionary adjustments operate to rectify payments imbalances .
10 Less obvious , but equally important factors concern the economic and market distortions which influence the comparative disadvantage of many areas .
11 Peter Karsten , marketing director of Surfax , which brews the low-alcohol Clausthaler , comments : ‘ The number of products available has dropped from 70 to 50 and it needs to come down to about 20 . ’
12 During Kimon 's absence , the democratization of the Athenian constitution was taken a stage further : the Areopagus , the upper council in the Athenian state , composed of ex-archons , was deprived of its political and legal functions , other than those which concerned a few cases of homicide .
13 This is the action in the famous Argyll v. Argyll , which concerned the possible disclosure of intimate marital secrets .
14 But this was an empirical observation which concerned the economic circumstances of a particular country at a particular period of time : it had nothing whatever to do with his general theory of employment .
15 This does not mean that conventional men of intelligence and ability thought that either science or society had solved all problems , though in some respects , such as those which concerned the basic pattern of an economy and the basic pattern of the physical universe , some very able ones felt that all substantial ones had been solved .
16 Since the working class is the largest group and the group which concerned the educational reformers of 1944 , it is the natural choice of a base for the class variable .
17 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
18 There was a lipless mouth , their were deep eye sockets from which gleamed the small evil , old eyes of the necromancer .
19 Tolkien did not believe in ‘ old religions ’ or ‘ witch-cults ’ ; C. S. Lewis wrote a paper called ‘ The Anthropological Approach ’ which damned the learned variety of that error beyond redemption .
20 What did surprise him a little , and which argued a political maturity that even sensitive Western observers were sometimes inclined to overlook , was that , in three days of systematic canvassing of Libyan opinion , he encountered little or no personal hostility .
21 Further along on the left a gate provides entrance to the attractive woodlands of the Old Beeslack Estate which adjoin the new Beeslack High School .
22 The hill farms generally have small fields near the valley bottoms , larger rough grazing ‘ in-bye ’ areas which adjoin the open hill , and common hill land where sheep , ponies , and occasionally cattle are turned out during the summer .
23 ‘ That Joke Is n't Funny Anymore ’ supplies the lifebelt , a misty acoustic ambience which taunts the best of Morrissey 's emotions .
24 Cancer cells become tumorigenic as a result of multiple independent steps which subvert the normal growth control mechanisms described earlier .
25 1988 ) ; nevertheless , something must be said briefly about the factors which complicate the curriculum-employment nexus .
26 The design utilises a Thorn ‘ 2D ’ compact fluorescent tube which fits a standard bayonet ( BC ) light socket and requires no external starting or control gear .
27 In The Future of an Illusion , the use of the term ‘ religion ’ is one which fits the Jewish-Islamic-Christian complex of religions , which are built upon the notion of a Creator God .
28 Figure 1 b shows the rotation rate residuals after allowing for the increased value of slowdown rate which fits the later part of Fig. 1 a .
29 This sounds like a good workmanlike , no-nonsense definition which involves no philosophical meanderings .
30 The initiatives are more examples of the topic based , ‘ one off ’ style of health education than of the sort of approach that is now generally advocated , which involves a comprehensive and coordinated programme of health education across the curriculum and throughout the school career .
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