Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 Rather than the expected planar monocyclic cation ( cf , an alternative structure as observed with two rings joined to form an cation ( Fig. 1 ) in which each of the component rings provides one electron for a unique type of interaction through four sulphur atoms .
2 The channels with which each of the tanks connect at the upper level , and into which they immerse at the lower , lie parallel to one another , but the entrances to each of the upper channels , against which the appropriate tank abuts , are the width of an entire plane apart .
3 If there is to be intelligence there must be memory , and if there is to be memory there must be a permanent , ordered structure to which each of the individual units is uniquely linked .
4 In fig 6 we can see a fairly typical rock'n'roll idea in which each of the double stops is approached from a semi-tone below .
5 When he was only nineteen , a copy of the Gospel of St John that he had prepared , in which each of the twenty-one chapters was in a different language , was shown to the King .
6 Within the above breakdown one can suggest the following modules ( none of which is comprehensive , only the flavour is indicated ) — the way in which each of the modules would be approached is indicated in the sample courses given in Section 5 :
7 Dataquest notes that 1992 was the first year in which each of the five top workstation vendors offered RISC-based workstations for under $10,000 and says that in the third quarter more than 60% of the boxes going out the door were priced under $15,000 .
8 But West Germany is a federal state in which each of the constituent Länder has a government of its own .
9 Extract ( 11 ) is representative of a common conversational situation in which each of the participants give examples from their personal experience to illustrate some general point .
10 They changed to a strategy-management mode in which each of the business heads met with the entire executive board once a year to define strategic objectives and once a year to establish a budget .
11 The data is held as a two-dimensional array , each row representing a part in which each of the columns containing various data about the parts .
12 One of the most remarkable examples of this is the duet of the African bou-bou shrike , in which each of the pair sings alternately .
13 This is a dictionary , in which each of the 64 ( 4 x 4 x 4 ) possible triplets of DNA ( or RNA ) symbols is translated into one of the 20 amino acids or a ‘ stop reading ’ symbol .
14 326 , where the debtor ( the liquidator ) was a party to the agreement between the creditors ( the directors of the company ) , Horridge J. held that ‘ by becoming a party he obtained the benefit of the consideration which each of the directors gave to his co-director by waiving his right to his fees . ’
15 The multi-event day was preceded by a meeting in which each of the five London branches gave a presentation — no holds were barred .
16 The Pearson agreement also made a key concession to the less populous provinces by providing for a reform of the federal Senate into an elected chamber within which each of the 10 provinces would have eight representatives .
17 The Pearson agreement also made a key concession to the less populous provinces by providing for a reform of the federal Senate into an elected chamber within which each of the 10 provinces would have eight representatives .
18 Figure 6.6(a) shows the population structure of Peru in 1983 in the form of a population pyramid in which each of the rows represents a 10-year age-group with the lowest row representing the youngest age-group .
19 This Appendix summarises the states through which each of the important LIFESPAN objects may be transitioned .
20 This recruitment service is based upon a precise Code of Practice which each of the above consultants has voluntarily agreed to be bound by .
21 In TRACE II , a parallel architecture is employed in which each of the nodes is a relatively simple processing element which continues to send activation and inhibition to other nodes for as long as it remains active .
22 We then move into a short period of dramatic play ( or " busy time " as it is sometimes called ) in which each of the groups go about their business , which they greatly enjoy — until frustrations begin to creep in .
23 The clock is divided into hourly segments in which each of the children depicts an activity , ’ says Cunningham , speaking during his work with pupils at St David 's Primary School in Pilton .
24 Demonstrations throughout April and the first part of May organized by activists opposed to ( ex-Communist ) President Rakhmon Nabiyev 's regime culminated in the formation of a coalition government , announced on May 11 , in which eight of the 24 ministerial posts went to opposition members , while Nabiyev remained as President .
25 Sotheby 's was selected because the auction house could move faster than the Public Library , the original lender-to-be , and because it could offer a ‘ very favourable ’ interest rate , which neither of the parties will disclose .
26 Stead argues that only constant inquiry ( for which I could substitute ‘ inside ethnography ’ ) can prevent such an unacceptable trend , and it is some comfort to see a probationary policewoman , such as Cressida Dick ( 1985 ) , pointing out the political compromises such autocracy can produce , but which few of the chief officers seem willing to admit or even acknowledge .
27 Here we saw our first knife-fight which was clearly to the death — and Abu hustled us away from the milling throng which surrounded the two furious young combatants who rolled around like snakes in the dust attempting to stab each other with their " badiks " , the seaman 's dagger which few of the locals went without .
28 It would be six years before that anger would begin to subside , six years of unspeakable anguish for those of ‘ Hebrew persuasion ’ , when unbelievable monstrosities would be inflicted on them , by the end of which half of the world 's Jewry had been murdered .
29 ‘ There will be no arguments over who gets which CDs and who gets which half of the dining table .
30 From the previous experiment , given a text in which half of the correct words are absent , it is still possible for the syntax analyser to select the correct word ( if present ) in more than 82% of the cases .
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