Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] be [being] " in BNC.

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1 One of the men was passing round a big china bowl into which money was being thrown , and as Sabine watched Marie-Christine began , with raucous and vociferous encouragement from the men , to lift her skirt demurely and reveal more and more of one shapely leg .
2 How much can be borrowed will depend on which course is being taken .
3 The Society was awaiting a quote from Severn Valley for remetalling the main motion bushes , for which funding is being sought .
4 On the other hand there was some investment in being able to assess performance such that it was possible to reward people for ‘ good ’ performance , and the group were not entirely able to sort this one out in that it was representing to them a dependent desire to be judged and be judged as good , and yet a refusal to accept the terms upon which judgement was being made in that they felt depersonalized by it ’
5 Everyone is extremely pleased at the scrupulous way in which inspection is being carried out in Iraq to reveal the scale of the investment in nuclear weapons .
6 Asked for her impressions of the events of the past six months , Vera admits to twinges of pessimism about the slow rate at which progress is being made .
7 But when we examine exactly which books are being read , we find that it is usually books first encountered as TV programs or movies .
8 Even changes of objective within the period in which funds are being disbursed may still leave pressure for additional change , especially if there is a ministerial reshuffle .
9 Indeed , political argument , policy-making and economic analysis were suffused with an increasing flow of statistical data which in range and scale was quite unlike anything which had been experienced before : to such a degree that by the end of the period under review the rate at which data were being generated exceeded , probably by a wide margin , the capacity to apply them in practical economic action .
10 In this way it is possible to determine which entries are being worked on , which have been examined , which approved , and which discarded as obsolete by lexicographers .
11 Some 35% of Carpetright is for sale , of which 10% is being reserved for employees and directors .
12 Which animals were being hunted for food , and which were domesticated can be gleaned from the study of animal bones , and with evidence from plant and shellfish remains , there may he clues to what people ate .
13 The key element in it is that the process determining the variable about which variables are being formed has to be estimated alongside the rest of the model .
14 In this way , suggest Sperber and Wilson , the speaker 's use of repetition may communicate that the speaker is experiencing a torrent of memories which hearers are being trusted to imagine for themselves .
15 Each situation under which law is being used either against or by the peace movement will have to be analysed extensively by looking at the specific arena and the specific legal language spoken .
16 The court with the power to strike out is the court before which the proceedings have been brought , rather than the one to which transfer is being considered .
17 Last time we talked I mentioned work in artificial intelligence , and this is one of the areas in which work is being done .
18 An obvious statement and an over-simplification perhaps , but one which would require some far-reaching and fundamental changes in the way in which business was being accepted if the problem was to be dealt with .
19 The specificity means that one must know which organism is being sought as each test will only seek that organism .
20 Readers of this month 's Which Mortgage are being offered free admission to the National Homebuyer Show and Overseas Property Exhibition , the country 's largest residential property exhibition , which this year takes place at the Wembley Exhibition Centre from 21 to 23 February 1992 .
21 This means that a specified LIFESPAN user , with QUALITY ASSURER privilege , can examine and assess the contents of the package as fit for the purpose , specified by the baseline to which approval is being sought .
22 If one imagines a surface with chance irregularities ( Fig. 11.2 ) on to which grains are being driven by saltation , it is obvious that the frequency of bombardment by sand grains will be greater on the slight slopes facing the wind ( AB , Fig. 11.2 ) than on slopes facing away from the wind ( BC , Fig. 11.2 ) .
23 The very fact that the process about which expectations are being formed has altered should , under the rational expectations model , alter the response of consumption to .
24 The possibility exists then to discriminate between the two models if there is a break in the process determining Y t ; that is , if there is what is called a regime break , a break in the process about which expectations are being formed .
25 They came up with a mock chat show programme in which Williams was being interviewed by Clement Freud , as lugubrious-looking then as now .
26 But it is obvious that the sentences form part of some larger act of conversational interaction between two speakers ; the sentences contain several references that presuppose shared knowledge ( e.g. ‘ that meeting ’ implies that both speakers know which meeting is being spoken about ) , and in some cases the meaning of a sentence can only be correctly interpreted in the light of knowledge of what has preceded it in the conversation ( e.g. ‘ You ca n't be sure ’ ) .
27 A working party under has produced a report reviewing the ACE fee collection system , as a result of which ACE is being encouraged to extend and deepen the support service which it offers to chambers .
28 15–4 The body of Malcolm MacKinnon was found near Schouler on Daill farm and it was remarkable that it had not been found sooner as it was lying in the vicinity of a well from which water was being drawn daily .
29 All 3 of the heads of the deltoids are involved in shoulder movements , but the direction of the arm movement determines which head is being used the most .
30 It is impossible to be certain that the child is making explicit his indecision about which square is being targeted ( though the eye movement record suggested that this was the case ) .
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