Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [verb] was " in BNC.

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1 Which Doyle knew was not the case , but this was a tight community , tight as a drum ; they looked after their own .
2 The first record of the term ‘ long-firm fraud ’ which Levi uncovers was in a journal of 1869 , while the obtaining of goods under the false pretence that one had an honest and solvent business is an activity with a much longer history .
3 Mr Rifkind was opening a two day defence debate which Labour said was being rushed through before cuts in next months budget .
4 The final , symbolic point on which Branson relented was in giving Oldfield an increased royalty on all future sales of Tubular Bells .
5 The archaic heritage which Freud postulated was innate in all of humanity , not just the Jews , and is of phylogenetic origin ; it is not the same as the ontogenetic conflicts of the individual , although it is analogous to such conflicts in the way its effects are to be grasped and understood .
6 The look which Alexei produced was frankly disbelieving , and he smiled .
7 Up to the 1970s it was presumed to be proceeding towards the beech high forest which ecologists believed was the stable climax on limestone .
8 The kingdom which Euric created was substantial .
9 So Demosthenes ( Thuc. iv.2.4 : this man is a fifth-century soldier , not the famous fourth-century politician ) is explicitly told to use his fleet round the Peloponnese ‘ as he thought fit ’ ; he took Pylos with it ( p. 132 ) , an act which Thucydides implies was more extempore than it really was , but which was nevertheless not something specifically authorized by the Assembly .
10 Some half-way point would have to be found , Wright said , which Berle believed was British policy all along .
11 And there is still a raging controversy over the double flash in 1979 over Antarctic waters which Washington believes was a test explosion of a South African nuclear device . ’
12 Edouard was tapping the table idly with one finger , which Isobel knew was a sign of irritation .
13 Although she and Robert arrived at their London hotel quite late , and admittedly she was somewhat tired from the journey , the strain of the ceremony , she was all the same a little surprised when they booked in and were shown to a suite which Robert explained was hers — alone .
14 Much of the substantial loss which Coleridge suffered was borne by the uncomplaining and insufficiently thanked Cottle , whose verdict on the Watchman was brief and to the point .
15 In each tribe , as we have seen , there were a number of coastal , a number of inland and a number of city demes , about sixteen councillors from each type going to make up a trittys ( only in the tribe to which Acharnai belonged was this system modified , because twenty-two out of fifty councillors is already well over a third ) .
16 It was not an uncommon illness in the West Indies at the time , and the variety which Worrell had was particularly virulent .
17 Deciding which manuals to supply was just the first of a chain or decisions .
18 They had disappeared last night after an outing in their 14ft long red and white craft which coastguards said was poorly equipped with no distress flares or life-jackets .
19 That was about £800,000 less than the original estimate of £4.5m. which officers felt was unacceptable .
20 The extreme positivist version of behaviourism which Skinner propounded was effectively demolished by Chomsky in his review of Verbal Behaviour ( Chomsky 1959 in Allen & van Buren 1971 : 136–9 , 147–8 ) .
21 After expenses , and having paid off some debts , Mozart and his mother were 26/27 gulden out of pocket which Mozart felt was ‘ not too bad ’ ( 25 October 1777 ) .
22 Once secure in power , however , the new regime , with which Abbess Aelfflaed was closely associated , did not prove particularly generous .
23 But it was learned today that Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported Hateley for violent conduct — and not ‘ rough play ’ which Rangers believed was the case .
24 The hill on which Carewscourt stood was the frontier , the edge of the wilderness .
25 The speed at which people spoke was a surprise .
26 The ‘ Up Yours ’ mentality which people liked was nothing to do with politics or being right-wing .
27 At that time she was suffering from anorexia nervosa , a slimming disease , which friends believe was triggered by the collapse of her love affair .
28 In focusing on that sphere of life which provides the greatest potential for the expression of individual autonomy , urban sociology is uniquely equipped to chart a path out of the ‘ iron cage ’ which Weber believed was encompassing the whole of modern society .
29 They had seen no tracks and sighted nothing in the land below them , which Ratagan said was unusual for deer were not uncommon here as well as hill foxes and hares .
30 We are therefore brought back to the problem which Weismann felt was insoluble .
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