Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stress : A study done by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967 identified stress-provoking times , which Holmes and Rahe called Life Events .
2 Aidan Chambers ( 1983 , p. 103 ) notes that ‘ Wide , voracious , indiscriminate reading is the base soil from which discrimination and taste eventually grow ’ .
3 Most of the firms in private industry to which monopolies and mergers legislation is relevant are in fact oligopolists .
4 Clerical representatives , after all , sat in it almost as often as their lay counterparts who consented to lay subsidies : in seventeen out of the nineteen of Edward II 's parliaments to which knights and burgesses were summoned there were also clerical proctors present .
5 A report to the LDDC last week said that landings and take offs could mean that a ‘ small but significant section of the local community ’ would suffer noise levels above the level at which houses and schools should not be allowed ( 40 on the NNI index ) .
6 On the first Wednesday morning of every month — with the exception of the months in which Easter and Christmas fell — it was the custom for the incumbent pastor to give his own account of the massacre , or read out an account left by a predecessor .
7 At the opposite end of the pole there is the view of sociology as a completely objective , non-evaluative discipline , a way of looking at societies and developing knowledge about social behaviour , in which opinions or perspectives on policy-making , the solution of problems , and so on have no place .
8 In The Place of the Lion , the Platonic archetypes of which objects and creatures in the world are but reflections or repetitions actually appear .
9 I am not as familiar with Walton prison as my hon. Friend the Member for Liverpool , Broadgreen ( Mr. Fields ) , but I have visited the prison and I have seen the conditions under which prisoners and staff have to labour .
10 Earlier in the chapter it was mentioned that there are many ways in which teaching and learning can be incorporated in the normal routine of the ward .
11 We have identified both strengths and achievements where classroom practice is concerned , particularly in the transformation of the physical settings in which teaching and learning take place , and the exploitation of the potential of classroom-based professional collaboration .
12 Four activities , in , matter : the way in which teaching and learning are conducted , keeping up to date in a subject , applying a new technology and managing the sequence of review , improvement and change .
13 Other parts are continually on the move and the way in which teaching and learning are organised , in , has to be the subject of regular review and continuous overhaul .
14 The most notable feature is the extent to which teaching and research are increasingly inter-twined , which is viewed as a healthy sign of intellectual achievement .
15 Or they may have been hunters after larger prey , in which case when appendages are eventually discovered they may prove to have adaptations for grasping and manipulating larger food .
16 The Labour leader knows and the rest of the party knows that there could be an election next year , in which case when Labour meets for it 's conference in autumn ninety-one , Mr Kinnock could be addressing them , not as leader of the opposition , but as Prime Minister .
17 This may seem bizarre given the manner in which Whitehall and Britain as a whole appear steeped in tradition .
18 It is also important to determine which activities and functions should be housed in the new and old locations especially if the organisation plans to carry out either a phased move or to keep a small presence in the old site after the main move has taken place .
19 The move is that which Aristotle or Kant would have made if they had promoted all outsiders ( such as women and non-European peoples ) to the status of honorary Athenian or Prussian men .
20 Just as testing allows ample scope for misunderstanding , so it is also one of the most fruitful fields in which employers and educationalists can come together .
21 However , among shipwrights and other skilled workers , especially in London , there is clear enough evidence of a more modern trade-union consciousness , still based on the " trade " , and jealous of its practices and " rights " but operating in what Dobson has called an " industrial relations system " , that is an arena of interaction within which employers and workers perceived their roles and the moves which were open to them .
22 JOHNNY 'S Circus became an important feature of his life at 37 Hamilton Terrace , a house belonging to the Tory MP Colonel Martin Lindsay , the two lower floors of which Minton and Keith Vaughan had repaired and converted in August 1946 .
23 Despite the fact that very few reservoirs have been functioning for more than 10 years , cases have been described in which dysplasia and carcinoma have been seen in colitic pouches and adenomas in FAP pouches .
24 But in the centre of the storm calm prevailed , fifteen miles in radius , a haven in which Trent and Mariana charged towards the north-south highway .
25 The branch of the Makaa had risen fifteen feet and , with no escape , overflowed into its old bed up which Trent and Mariana rode .
26 Differences in grade between equivalent staff at E and K should not be allowed to determine the level at which contacts and discussions are established .
27 It seems businesses have never set out to choose in a deliberate and disciplined way which technique or techniques are likely to be the most effective , given the circumstances and the resources available .
28 Power clearly has something to do with ‘ getting one 's own way ’ and the behaviourist approach involves studying actual behaviour to see which groups or individuals get their own way in cases of decision-making where there is an observable conflict .
29 The study of the legal process of any society can reveal much about the distribution of power in that society , for example how and by whom any Bill of Rights is interpreted and enforced , how and from which groups and classes in society judges are recruited , and how decisions are reached .
30 Through such an examination we can see who has power over decisions and which groups and individuals can achieve their aims .
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