Example sentences of "[be] bring to [art] " in BNC.

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1 A company requiring someone with organizing skills might ask you what skills you 'll be bringing to the job .
2 Furniture requires finishes that can be made perfectly smooth to the touch and that can be brought to a mirror-like gloss , if required .
3 But here too , room for manoeuvre is limited : the long-term nature of most major weapon programmes is such that few can be brought to a successful conclusion in much less than a decade , and in some cases even longer .
4 Since the start of the Troubles , a number of loyalist trade unionists had tried to create a province-wide organization of unionist workers and by late 1973 the plans of men such as Billy Kelly , a power workers ' shop steward , Billy Hull , ex-Northern Ireland Labour Party , and Hugh Petrie , a precision engineer from Shorts , were sufficiently advanced for them to propose to the loyalist politicians that the province could be brought to a halt by a strike .
5 The mistake of allied strategists was in imagining that such a regime could possibly be brought to a state of collapse by a decline in popular morale .
6 A crowd , which the Derry Journal estimated at 15,000 set off across the bridge , to be brought to a halt by the stewards thirty yards from the police barriers at Carlisle Square .
7 ‘ Defence has been perfected to a remarkable degree , ’ he said , ‘ and I have heard it suggested that through its further development football may be brought to a state of stalemate … it will be a sorry reflection on forwards if they have not the intelligence , the inventiveness to devise means by which they can carry their attack to a successful end . ’
8 Clearly , if a reader has had the experience of a holiday in France , or a visit to a factory , or of owning a pet , or of experiencing the death of a loved person or animal , this direct experience will be brought to a story or information book dealing with the same matters .
9 In this way , the model can be brought to a halt a short distance from the ground with all of the blade energy and pitch range still available to make the landing .
10 BRITAIN 'S car crime epidemic must be brought to a halt , said Labour yesterday .
11 If the electric power could be cut , industry everywhere would be brought to a standstill .
12 And the sister was further surprised when , holding out a hand to Millie , it was not taken , but , instead , the child began to walk out before her , only to be brought to a stop by the nun saying , ‘ You must always ask Mother Superior if you may leave her presence .
13 A good idea can therefore be brought to a successful and polished conclusion in a very short time at the cost of only a few sheets of paper and with the minimum of effort .
14 Erm and any of these things could of course be brought to a meeting to be referred to .
15 ‘ 37(1) Any notice , demand or order against which an appeal might be brought to a county court under this Part of this Act shall , if no such appeal is brought , become operative on the expiration of 21 days from the date of the service of the notice , demand or order , and shall be final and conclusive as to any matters which could have been raised on such an appeal , and any such notice , demand or order against which an appeal is brought shall , if and so far as it is confirmed by a county court judge , or the Court of Appeal , become operative as from the date of the final determination of the appeal .
16 Daniel , though his ferocious passion for his wife 's body included its swollen state , was not a man who could be brought to a close interest in this unseen life .
17 Handling under power is very simple and the yacht can be brought to a stop from full speed ahead within her own overall length .
18 If users of editions have no need for this particular intrusion , could they please let editors and publishers know , so that this now superannuated tinkering with the composer 's own notation can be brought to a belated but welcome end ?
19 It is a British idea , introduced by a British Commissioner and it will be brought to a conclusion under a British presidency .
20 Surely a Division should be brought to a conclusion only when hon. Members have unimpeded access to the House in accordance with the Sessional Orders .
21 ( 2 ) The proceedings to be taken on each of those sittings shall be as shown in the second column , and shall be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column , of the following Table —
22 ( 2 ) The proceedings to be taken on each of those days shall be as shown in the second column , and shall be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column , of the following Table —
23 ( 1 ) At a sitting of the Standing Committee at which any proceedings on the Bill are to be brought to a conclusion under this Order the Chairman shall not adjourn the Committee under any Order relating to the sittings of the Committee until the proceedings have been brought to a conclusion .
24 ( 1 ) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order and which have not previously been brought to a conclusion , the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions ( but no others ) —
25 a ) that Motion shall stand over until the conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which , under this Order , are to be brought to a conclusion at or before that time ;
26 b ) the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which , under this Order , are to be brought to a conclusion after that time shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
27 ( 4 ) If an allotted day is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 stands over from an earlier day , the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which under this Order are to be brought to a conclusion on that day shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion .
28 — ( 1 ) The proceedings on any Motion made in the House by a member of the Government for varying or supplementing the provisions of this Order shall , if not previously concluded , be brought to a conclusion one hour after they have been commenced , and paragraph ( 1 ) of Standing Order No. 14 ( Exempted business ) shall apply to the proceedings .
29 ( 2 ) If on an allotted day on which any proceedings on the Bill are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order the House is adjourned , or the sitting is suspended , before that time no notice shall be required of a Motion made at the next sitting by a member of the Government for varying or supplementing the provisions of this Order .
30 Despite the expected growth in demand , the Geneva-based International Air Transport Association warned in a report published on April 10 , 1990 , that air travel in western Europe would be brought to a standstill if improvements were not made in capacity , the harmonization of air traffic control and the availability of trained air traffic controllers .
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