Example sentences of "[be] say in [det] " in BNC.

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1 But for girls who were unattached and less inhibited , and who yearned for a bit of ‘ fun ’ , the prospect of lavish meals in American messes , and gifts of sweets and nylons , accompanied , let it be said in all fairness , by flatteringly gallant , if brash , wooing , could be a powerful magnet .
2 In Chapters 2 and 3 we saw that the lexical resources of a language influence to a large extent what can be said in that language as well as how it can be said .
3 Accordingly , the sentence " I am cutting the meat for mother " can be said in these three different ways : This leads to three different types of clauses according to whether it is the Subject , Object or Benefactor that is the topic .
4 There is much to be said in this writer 's view for the encouragement of service to the community in these and many other ways , and for the encouragement of individual responsibility and parental control of their children : but the Conservative vision is essentially one-dimensional .
5 Could Belfast be said in this sense to be a single speech community separate from Lurgan ? or do Lurgan speakers show sensitivity to the same sets of variables ?
6 If A lacks the legal capacity to transfer the opportunity by his own act to anyone but is in a position by persuasion to procure B , who has the opportunity , to transfer it to C , can A properly be said in this way to provide C with the opportunity indirectly ?
7 Chair , I I think what needs to be said in this debate is something positive about the work that has come out of particularly Highfields , er and indeed to some extent Moat , in the past .
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