Example sentences of "[be] say [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Answer ( b ) is an example of ellipsis because does can not be said to substitute for sing in the above question .
2 But it is just such a view that could be said to lie at the heart of a second major theory of social stratification that has emerged more recently in sociology : the functionalist theory of stratification .
3 Both Toby and Jo had valuable experiences , although the more obvious mathematical one may be said to lie with Jo and his companion in their appreciation of the relative sizes of the blocks and their places in the storage boxes .
4 The strength of the culture may be said to lie in the convergence of these orientations — that is , they are compatible with and reinforce one another , and similarly are compatible with and are reinforced by the experience of history .
5 In the sphere of aesthetics , Lessing , Herder , and , a generation later , Friedrich Schlegel not only base their diverse theories on material or formulations put into currency by Winckelmann , but might be said to owe to him , as Schlegel put it , " the very idea of a history of art " , conceived as the development of a series of individual works towards a perfect beauty .
6 Roughly speaking , fully developed Middle English may be said to extend from 1150 to 1450 , the period between 1200 and 1450 being especially well marked and well represented by written documents .
7 He admits also that Buddhism displayed a tendency to participation as it spread out from India into other countries , though he fails to recognize the examples of participation which might be said to derive from the communal life of the sangha and so insists that it is the principle of identity that predominates .
8 Thus drugs can be said to act on people and relax them ( 26 ) or bring them around ( 27 ) ; information can put some people in a favourable position with respect to others ( 28 ) ; and pointers can be seen as guiding people ( i.e. as somehow active or operative ) in the proper discharge of their duties .
9 By and large , however , they argued that the behaviour of the electorate was shaped less by their stance to particular policy issues and more by generalised attitudes and beliefs about the party 's " image " , and they specifically pointed out " how little the mass of voters could be said to respond to the policy alternatives at Westminster in judging the claims of the rival parties " .
10 It included also the description of those specialized features of morphology and physiology that distinguish species and might ( often by more or less inspired guesswork ) be said to account for the differences in their distribution .
11 The Power of Love : Of all those passions which may be said to tyrannize over the heart of man , love is not only the most violent , but the most persuasive .
12 So , although it is possible to conceive of any event as an incarnation of the totality , insofar as it must itself make up a part of that totality in its determination , unlike the case of the boxing match , where we can define the overall entity ‘ boxing ’ , it still remains unproven that an overall entity , ‘ History ’ , can be said to exist at all .
13 But with the non-European world in general , with Asia and whatever independent states could be said to exist in Africa , with Latin America and even to a large extent with the United States , Europe 's relationship was still very largely an economic one based on the increasing flows of intercontinental trade .
14 Rural communities in Wales or the North of England , Italian immigrant communities in London , or Pakistani communities in Rochdale , working-class communities in Bethnal Green or Liverpool , French Canadians in Quebec ; all these patterns and many others can be said to exist within industrial societies and yet do not clearly conform to the model presented earlier .
15 In other words , how far can the distinction between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ be said to continue as a valid principle in which to base the notion of individual rights ?
16 Whilst Kuhn maintains that science does progress in some sense , he is quite unambiguous in his denial that it can be said to progress towards the truth in any well-defined sense .
17 If a narrative can be said to progress from one equilibrium to another , with the initial stability disrupted by a particular event or force , then ‘ race ’ is frequently the power which produces disequilibrium in racial problem films of this period .
18 All conceptions involving the cultivation and satisfaction of the so-called expensive tastes are harder to satisfy , and the Rawlsian theory can be said to discriminate against them .
19 Or is there any sense in which those who oppose and vote against a particular policy or decision can be said to assent to it , or can be said to be governing themselves when they have voted against the policy that has been adopted ?
20 ‘ Here the contract of salvage was entered into in the Paracels and all the work of refloating and putting the vessel into a condition to be towed to Hong Kong and nearly all the tow , except for the last three miles , were completed beyond the territorial limits of Hong Kong and consequently I take the view that the profits must be said to arise outside of Hong Kong rather than inside .
21 It is of interest to compare the positions of Brumfit and Krashen in this collection , positions which might be said to typify to some degree the attitudes to applied linguistics and language teaching on each side of the Atlantic .
22 Franklin Roosevelt could be said to fall into the former category , but it should not be forgotten that he took office at a moment of great crisis in American history and was aided by unusually large majorities in both houses of the legislature .
23 The uranium series measurements give a slightly older date of 205,000 years BP , but given that the uncertainties in each of these figures are typically 20 per cent , the two techniques can be said to agree with each other .
24 Even as recently as 1982 , Robbe-Grillet would explain his transgressive narrative techniques by relying on the Sartrean concept of contingency ( see Oppenheim 1986 ) : the disruptive narrative syntax conveys the fragmentation of man in the world , the absence of meaning in his novels can thus be said to correspond to the gratuitousness of existence .
25 This may be said to amount to a mutual exercise of the individuals ' rights of self-determination .
26 Here there are no words which could be said to amount to a request for property to be made over to Titius .
27 But the long period of non-use can be said to amount to a custom , and to create a reasonable expectation that the pattern of restraint should continue in the future ( O'Brien , 1967 , pp. 79–80 ) .
28 It is submitted on behalf of the Attorney-General that there was no delay , either in the investigation of the complaint against the respondent or in the bringing of proceedings against him which could properly be said to amount to an abuse of the process of the court .
29 It is accepted by functionalists that if any computers , or indeed any artifacts or entities whatever , can be said to pass through the requisite states or processes , they must therefore be conscious .
30 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
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