Example sentences of "[be] done in [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Attached is a better academic list , which means that when Name starts my England and Wales list , the FE/university section may be done in full and with fuller names and designations , so there is , in this instance , real benefit from the delay !
32 The exercises have been designed and arranged progressively , and for greatest benefit the days must be done in proper sequence .
33 Whilst women 's role as mothers was of paramount importance to society — particularly after the exile when maternity , for various pragmatic reasons , became the means of transmitting and establishing in biological terms , as it were , religious and ethnic identity — it would seem logical , given our culture — nature opposition and the fact that culture seeks to control and impose upon whatever has been construed as natural , that something had to be done in cultural terms about the natural function of childbirth .
34 At the back of my mind , perhaps , was a kind of childish vanity : there is a lot of dull , humdrum work to be done in local politics and I felt Richard would not be impressed if he knew I was abandoning him three nights a week in order to address envelopes or collect jumble .
35 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
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