Example sentences of "[be] given [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The early and later work of Bernstein is obviously important here , but some attention should be given also to the work of U.S. investigators in related fields .
2 Notice must be given also to the court with a certificate that notice has been given to the other parties .
3 ‘ We call for a priority to be given immediately to new legislation which will actively facilitate the re-entry into our society of those at present disadvantaged within it . ’
4 These warranties are likely to be given both to the equity institutional investors and to Newco .
5 Both documents must be given freely to parents of pupils on request and must be made available at the school for reference by parents and others .
6 Support will be given primarily to titles of educational value , with preference for books on science , medicine , agriculture , the environment , business and technology .
7 Still pleading competition and the greater suitability of women for keyboard work , they proposed first that machines henceforward be given alternately to men and women workers ; or , a further concession , that all new machines be given to men until there were 50 per cent worked by each sex , and attributed alternately thereafter .
8 This feeling of being addressed in a special , understanding way does not happen with the best children 's theatre , and greater credit could be given even to a young audience , with less recourse to pantomime-like delineation of character .
9 Should charcoal be given indiscriminately to every patient who has swallowed a poison ?
10 No reason has to be given either to her present doctor or to the one to whom she wishes to change , but undoubtedly it can facilitate the change-over and make the new doctor more likely to be willing to accept her if she has some sensible but low-key reason ready should there be any query .
11 Such rights may also place restrictions on the future running and conduct of the target 's business and consideration may have to be given either to modifying these or buying out or repaying the relevant rights or loans .
12 Subject to certain conditions , the council 's flats would be given away to those who currently occupied them .
13 Around 50 congressmen have supported a resolution by House of Representatives majority leader , the Democrat Richard Gephardt , which warns that under the Dunkel plan , " national sovereignty to set domestic environmental , health , safety and labour standards will be given away to foreign countries " .
14 But having spent many years building up an effective distribution network , we see no reason why this network should be given away to our competitors .
15 Thought will have to be given now to players discouraged previously , including Ramprakash , who has had a raw deal while Hick has been favoured , and the hapless Fairbrother , for whom critics always seek reasons for non-selection .
16 This information will be given only to the parents of the individual child .
17 Home addresses will be given only to other teachers .
18 Here financial support could not be given directly to Danish or Greek film makers , but was still permissible when used to promote the development of Danish or Greek film-making in general .
19 He directed that the governors of the College should ‘ apply the interest and proceeds thereof annually for ever in the purchase of a Medal to be given Annually to the author of the best dissertation on the Anatomy , Physiology , or Pathology of the foot of the horse , or the principles and practice of shoeing horses ( to be decided by Examiners , viz. either Veterinary examiners or Veterinary surgeons , to be appointed by the Governors at their annual meeting ) ’ .
20 The second half of the concert will be given entirely to Johann Strauss II .
21 The advance is to be announced today by Prof Graham Boulois , head of microbiology at Leicester University , who hopes the vaccine will be given routinely to children to protect against meningitis .
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