Example sentences of "[that] they can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Or , put another way , are the Powell conditions too tough — tough not just for Americans , but for those , like Bosnia 's Muslims , whose plight is such that they can plausibly look only to America for salvation ?
2 Roses do not like root disturbance at the best of times , and any damage at this stage is another shock that they can well do without .
3 The purpose of the technique should be made very clear to parents so that they can also make it clear to the child what they are doing and why they are doing it .
4 One solution with new partners is to make it clear you use condoms for contraceptive purposes ( if you do ) , mentioning that they can also protect against sexually transmitted diseases .
5 They wilt readily learn to distinguish light from dark and there is some evidence that they can also distinguish patterns and colours , although it must be said that this capacity is extremely limited compared with the normal capacities of the animals concerned ( Pasik and Pasik 1982 ) .
6 However , another typical feature of octamer-binding POU-domain factors , such as Oct-1 , Oct-2 , Oct-6 and the recently cloned brain-4 factor ( identical with N-Oct 4 ; A. Tobler and E. Schreiber , unpublished results ) , is that they can also bind to the heptamer sequence CTCATGA which is naturally located adjacent to the octamer sequence in the immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter [ 28 ] [ 29 ] [ 30 ] .
7 ‘ It 's easy to be critical by watching television and they may feel that they can just pick up where they left off .
8 She said : ‘ It amazes me that they can just stand on the street . ’
9 Children are swept along by waves of enthusiasm and some teachers are so expert at whipping up energy and commitment that they can even persuade children that a tables test is a great reward for good behaviour .
10 And the detectors ' stability means that they can even measure radiation from the faint cloud of dust around the sun which produces the zodiacal light .
11 Some of those primitive men are so good at this that they can exactly imitate the different animals , and even other human beings .
12 In an editorial on 2 November 1985 , headlined ‘ Unfinished Business ’ , it asked ‘ whether the structures and institutions of British life have been so shaken by six years of Mrs Thatcher that they can no longer fall back into their old ways — or whether more shaking is needed ? ’
13 Nonetheless , the very fact that no less a person than the prime Minister speaks in such a way is a confession that green issues have intruded upon political life to such an extent that they can no longer be ignored !
14 He or she can feel a very real , very deep sense of nausea at the intrusion , and often find that they can no longer regard their house as home .
15 Myers believes that soil erosion is already a problem and that at least 90 000 km 2 of land are so badly affected that they can no longer sustain crop production .
16 But too many of them have been weaned on the habit of chopping up the New Testament into bits ( sorting out the sources , contemporary themes and ideologies of Aramaic Palestine or the Hellenistic world ) so that they can no longer see the scriptures as a sacred text aflame with the divine drama .
17 THE French love to smoke and it will come as a shock to them that they can no longer enjoy their Gauloises cigarettes in public .
18 Notice how they are all so excited that they can no longer listen to one another .
19 The soldiers that stand guard beside the entrances to the colonies and rush to defend any breach in the walls , are armed with jaws so huge that they can no longer gather food for themselves and have to be fed by the workers .
20 To the extent that they can no longer satisfactorily perform their duties .
21 Many schizophrenia sufferers , however , find that they can no longer achieve previous levels of attainment after the onset of the disorder and need to adapt to less challenging work .
22 As this country has determined its own money supply for several centuries , why do ministers suddenly find that they can no longer do that without having their hands held by a group of German bank clerks ?
23 I hope that my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary will seize the opportunity provided by his next meeting with his Community colleagues — which I believe will take place very shortly — to reappraise the position , and to see whether the Governments of the Community could now decide to recognise Croatia and to tell the Yugoslavian federal Government that they can no longer be recognised as the legitimate Government of former federal territory .
24 For example , if all of a sudden households discover that they can no longer sell as much of their labour services as they would ideally like , their realized incomes will be reduced .
25 Urueu-Wau-Wau indian leaders have said in a statement to Survival International that they can no longer tolerate the invasion of miners and loggers on to their land .
26 A county council has told its entire staff that they can no longer smoke in their offices , and if they want a cigarette they must have it in their own time .
27 Where training programmes are geared to the needs of older workers it has been demonstrated that they can successfully acquire new skills .
28 Perhaps it is not too late , by some sort of active ‘ tending ’ , to re-create the atmospheres of ancient sites by reintroducing plants which may once have been there , so that they can again contribute their specific fragrance , their own note which helps create the ethereal music of the place .
29 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
30 Teachers become more efficient at writing objectives the more they practise , so that they can soon reach the stage where the time taken is no more than is required for planning anyway .
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