Example sentences of "[that] they were make " in BNC.

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1 This , the technical skills required to make them , and the apparent lack of copper resources in Nigeria have prompted many scholars to conclude that they were made away from sub-Saharan Africa , although no convincing stylistic links with other cultures , including those of the Mediterranean , have emerged .
2 Like the dimensions of stone circles , the weights of these objects seemed to peak in definite weight bands , suggesting that they were made to preset weight specifications .
3 The die study has become one of the most important tools used by the numismatist because it provides a physical link between two separate objects and thereby provides evidence that they were made at the same place and time .
4 The same method of the die study is also useful in establishing mints , as die links between coins indicate that they were made at the same mint .
5 For instance , some coins of the Roman Emperor Severus Alexander found in Egypt fall into two stylistic groups , and the discovery that each group has different trace elements provides clear evidence that they were made at different mints .
6 Earlier studies of comets jets , focused on the short-period comet Swift-Tuttle , showed that they were made up of dust particles of about one micrometer in diameter .
7 The most influential policy norm in the Maud proposals was that local government services should be so organised that they were made available on the most economic basis possible , having regard to economies of scale .
8 Lamm argues that they were made of organic material , wood or bone , differences being introduced by the creation of a number of similar , but not identical , examples ( Lamm 1973 ; 1980 ; Lamm and Lundström 1976 ) .
9 Subalterns posted to the Indian Army were expected to kill a tiger in order to prove that they were made of the right stuff .
10 The so-called ‘ Palace Style ’ amphoras were at first made and used only at Knossos itself , which strongly suggests that they were made for the use of the ruling elite .
11 Experts believe that they were made in Mortlake between 1630 and 1660 , but it is by no means clear how and when they reached Bratislava .
12 The plaintiff who did not give evidence in the county court failed to recover the excess payments on the ground that they were made voluntarily .
13 Two spoiled griffin-heads were found at the Samian Heraion , showing that they were made there , as no doubt they were at Olympia too .
14 Britain ended the war with 475,000 houses either destroyed , or so badly damaged that they were made permanently uninhabitable .
15 Any dispositions of property or payments made by the bankrupt between the date of the presentation of the bankruptcy petition and the vesting of his assets in his trustee are void except to the extent that they were made with the consent of the court or were subsequently ratified by the court ( s 284(1)-(3) ) .
16 It is , of course , undeniable that they were made in response to events in Mozambique and Angola .
17 Much as some people hate going to school , they will frequently be glad afterwards that they were made to do so .
18 of all entries each month to ensure that they were made for legitimate purposes .
19 He later retracted the comments and explained that they were made after visiting an area which had suffered lightly from the storm and that he was unaware of the true extent of the devastation .
20 Opinion polls in 1991 indicated a substantial decline in support for parties of the governing coalition ( especially among eastern German respondents ) , a reduction in support for Kohl as Chancellor , and a growing feeling of anxiety and resentment among eastern Germans , a large majority of whom said that they were made to feel that they were " second-class citizens " in unified Germany .
21 It is generally thought that they were a new people only in name , and that they were made up of tribes such as the Amsivarii , Chattuarii and Chatti , who are mentioned in earlier sources , but rarely , if at all , in later ones .
22 He felt that they were making fun of him , though he could not understand why .
23 The drag of the loaded inflatable had slowed the catamaran so that they were making a bare five knots .
24 Fonda examined the premise and eventually saw that they were making a much broader statement about the American Dream and the state of the nation itself at that precise moment in time .
25 He said that they were making a positive contribution , not only to the quality of life , but also to the prosperity of the nation , because without chemistry life on earth would be more miserable , more painful and certainly shorter .
26 But they did not realise that they were making errors ; the subjects were convinced that hypnosis had actually helped them to remember the poem accurately .
27 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey , the master and matron , were both away on sick leave in the early months of 1900 , and the Board received a letter from their general practitioner , Mr. C. G.Johnson , to say that they were making good progress and that he recommended continuing the champagne which had contributed to their recovery .
28 An example in relation to which the opponents of the ordination of women might be expected to agree that they were making use of such a methodology is the case of slavery .
29 I have read the report of the guardian ad litem and such information as I have which would indicate her view of the local authority 's actions now on several occasions and I have to say that I do not understand what findings the justices believed that they were making or what reasons they were giving for their decision in that brief statement , which I have just quoted in full .
30 You would n't have even noticed that they were making
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