Example sentences of "[that] they know [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With travel or any other service , they should satisfy themselves that they know exactly what they are buying . ’
2 With travel or any other service , they should satisfy themselves that they know exactly what they are buying . ’
3 Landlords say they 're keen to keep their customers , but they also want to make sure that they know when to stop drinking .
4 If their opinion differs to mine , I believe that they know best .
5 They do not encourage verbal give and take , believing that the child should accept unquestioningly that they know best .
6 The great advantage of having a fixed date er for these European elections on the ninth of June , a date that 's been well known for a considerable time now , should be the certainty for the electorate , that they know not only the date of that election but the geographical boundary er of the constituency in which they live er the candidates that they can choose from and of course in relation to European elections , the number of er members of the European parliament that there will be representing the United Kingdom .
7 Check that they know where the lights in the room are , where the commode is and which door leads to the toilet .
8 The school should ensure that students are well prepared for their Work Experience — that they know where to go and what is expected of them , and that they are confident to ask questions and get full benefit from the placement .
9 It 's no for if you 're going to be there all the time , that they know where you are and where they can contact you .
10 That loved my friend ; and that they know full well
11 They have established , to their mutual relief , that they know absolutely nobody in common .
12 When I read that junior Ministers are interfering with the curriculum , I get worried , because I do not think that they know very much about it .
13 When they say to you ‘ oh well , you know , surely you do n't mind a little bit of flirtation and so on ’ I think very often that 's an entirely mendacious reply , that they know perfectly well what you 're talking about when you talk about sexual harassment , and in the context of discussions in the SCR or over dinner , they simply do n't want to have to deal with it and so they will dismiss it by way of saying ‘ well , you know , I 'm only being chivalrous , or this is the way I was brought up ’ .
14 The ultimate decision will be taken by the court — and , do n't worry , I shall make very sure that they know precisely what type of person Janice really is .
15 And this is really important — you should never , ever assume that you know better than they , what they want — and never let anyone else persuade you that they know better than you , what you want .
16 But the worst silence of all is when we take it for granted that they know how much they are still appreciated and that the calloused hands or fingers are symbols to us of the love and caring poured into our lives .
17 Do you really feel confident that they know how business works and can help you learn one or two things about it ?
18 The great skill of Japanese and German manufacturers is that they know how to make things efficiently and well , which is what we are so bad at .
19 and er sh , you know the test before they could become officers they set captain set the table , you see the and they have this food that they know how , how to use the cutlery , this was one of the tests of being an officer .
20 Deception was another of the subjects that they knew rather a lot about at the Foreign Office .
21 MEN WERE SURE that they knew why women adored Prince Richard .
22 Down went Alvar Salvadores in great haste , and ordered a bell to be rung which was a signal for two hundred knights to make ready ; for the history saith , that the Cid , by reason that he was alway in war , had appointed such signals for his people , that they knew when one hundred were called for , and when two , and so forth .
23 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
24 I have the sneaking suspicion , fuelled by the clothes my parents packed , that they knew anyway .
25 Secondly , they were talking about types of lender that they knew well enough at least to find approachable .
26 In the latter situation subjects were given a cue prior to the stimulus presentation ( pre-cued condition ) so that they knew beforehand whether to report the inner or outer column or the letters printed in a particular colour .
27 Lloyd George might think that in beating Wilson over the space requirements of Asiatics in the debate over the Merchant Shipping Act in 1906 he was delivering the working classes from their unworthy prejudices against foreign seamen , but the seamen thought that they knew better .
28 But it could also be used to dismiss the claims , even of empiricists , that they knew how nature works .
29 Not necessarily : ‘ I do n't think I meant that even the people who have no caveats attached implied that they knew absolutely everything in the box .
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