Example sentences of "[that] he [was/were] be " in BNC.

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1 That he was was quite obvious .
2 As for Hewlett , how far he knew that he was being ‘ used ’ by Pound is what at this point no one can determine .
3 Britain 's longest-serving unconvicted prisoner , Lorrain Esme Osman , who has spent nearly four years in custody pending attempts by Hong Kong to extradite him on fraud charges , asked the High Court to rule that he was being held unlawfully .
4 Charles hated the feeling that he was being wrapped in cotton wool ; he felt cheated when he was not allowed to do what other men did .
5 It turns out , I think , that he was being purposely more and more removed from us in order to retain whatever Tony DeFries 's idea was of keeping business separate from pleasure .
6 McLeish thanked him gravely , feeling , as he often did with the Wilsons , that he was being enveloped in a large feather eiderdown , and , made restless by the call , went down the corridor to where he knew Catherine Crane was also in , getting her office in order .
7 Speaking on BBC TV 's Election Call programme , he said he could not provide ‘ an in-all-circumstances ’ undertaking on how his party would react , saying that he was being asked ‘ how I would play as a batsman the third ball in the fourth over after next . ’
8 However Mr Gould — who issued a warning against a hasty leadership change — signalled that he was preparing to stand and said it was ‘ no secret ’ that he was being encouraged to do so .
9 There is no doubt that he was being obstinate and suspicious , but his competence had been proved by his latest publication .
10 Trent sensed that he was being inspected in the same way that Louis had examined his hands ; as an abstract entity ; a tool , at most ; briefly useful , but , once used , to be discarded without further thought .
11 At one time , it had been rumoured that he was being groomed to be the next Commissioner .
12 The Prince began to be talked about though this did not necessarily mean that he was being taken seriously as a political alternative to the regime of Louis-Philippe .
13 He discovered that he was being hoist with his own petard .
14 It was obvious however not only that he was being quite serious , but also that they all agreed with him .
15 I had absolutely no idea and put Malc 's brief disappearances and inexplicable whispered phone calls down to the fact that he was being unfaithful to his mistress .
16 The cultivated reader sensed that he was being teased , and reacted accordingly — ‘ Whatever is too original will be hated at first ’ ( De Quincey ) .
17 He was not told that he was being dismissed , but the EAT found that he could reasonably have assumed from what was said that his continuing employment prospects might well be limited .
18 Inside , he stood stiffly under the ceiling light , aware that he was being fully scanned by concealed video cameras and metal detection equipment .
19 The knowledge that he was being followed sent a shiver of excitement through him , quickly followed by a flash of the old bravado , which had more than once , in the past , bordered on the foolhardy .
20 The learner can not argue that he was being correctly supervised by someone standing on the footpath or in radio contact with him etc .
21 ‘ I thought I 'd persuaded him that he was being foolish . ’
22 Suddenly he felt that he was being watched .
23 Brophy said that he was being questioned about leaks , and that rumours and false information were circulating .
24 What I had meant to say was that he was being inducted as a churchwarden , and the two of them had gone off for the ceremony — my friend was having a busy day !
25 The driver gracefully unwound himself from the low-slung vehicle and stood up , stretching his back , unaware that he was being watched .
26 Names like Rommel , Auchinleck , El Alamein sounded as common to the ear as Smith , Jones and Robinson ; yet Joe had the feeling that he was being forced to stand on the sidelines and watch a game in which he had not the slightest interest .
27 ‘ The letters also show that , at the end , Elvis knew what was happening all around him — that he was being used by a lot of people .
28 Somehow he had traversed the latest scorching zone , feeling that he was being utterly consumed .
29 He noticed that he was being drawn into making the decision by the ‘ we ’ ; and so he said , ‘ Well , speakin' for meself , it would sicken me if I thought the young 'un got into his hands . ’
30 At least with her young , keen eyes she would have seen that he was being duped by his own nephew .
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