Example sentences of "[that] he [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Said later that he s an exceptional talent and only bad luck stopped him scoring , and to keep plugging away .
2 I suppose all this henthusiasm has nothing to do with the fact that he 's a very handsome young man , has it ? ’
3 Faced with an actor reading , as Alan Bates did for much of his one-man show at Edinburgh this year , you 're tempted to conclude that he 's a little under-rehearsed .
4 ‘ They say he 's one sort of person when he 's out in the open among people — he can be very sweet — but that he 's a different sort of person altogether behind the walls of his own house . ’
5 So he had , but I see very clearly now that he 's a double-dealer capable of any mean trick . ’
6 Norman is willing to accept the criticism that he 's a white man making a good living from black music .
7 Since men are usually a bit taller than their female partners , it 's easier if the man can stand so that he 's a little lower than his partner .
8 It 's possible that Fedorov may have exceeded his authority : I forgot to mention that he 's a madman , though he succeeds in disguising it most of the time .
9 WATCHING Mick Harford recently , it was hard to resist the thought that he 's a prime candidate for any buy-of-the-season award .
10 ‘ He 's precisely what anyone would expect of a drop-out Phys Ed basketball-playing retard , ’ Ellen said scornfully , ‘ by which I mean that he 's a jock with the brains of a dung beetle .
11 I 'm not sure if he went to an established rap school , although it 's more likely that he 's a self-taught man .
12 One man 's prison sentence is another man 's reprieve , though having escaped a mugging by Tyson , Holyfield understands that he 's still only on bail from the charge that he 's a heavyweight fraud .
13 There are passages in this book which are curiously enigmatic or coy ; but I 'd recommend it to anyone and I 'd freely tell them about Dennis that he 's a good old boy , a sound socialist , a grassroots climbers .
14 Look out for a current KSA membership certificate in showrooms — a KSA logo reproduced in a manufacturer 's brochure does n't always indicate the status of the retailer — check that he 's a KSA member in his own right .
15 Offiah said earlier this week that he 's a lousy loser but nobody likes to lose — he 's not unique .
16 You can tell , just by walking into Jay Chandler 's house in Shrewsbury , that he 's a keen fishkeeper .
17 That he 's a very shrewd and dangerous opponent .
18 I discovered at the interview that he 's a most amazing snob .
19 I admit that he 's a brilliant businessman , but I just wish he was n't in my business .
20 And the reason he remains friends with his ex-wives and lovers is that he 's a man 's man , essentially , he 's not the sort of man who would not have women friends around him unless they had , in some way , been involved with him .
21 Not that he 's a charity either .
22 that the kids erm as an alternative , the kids could get some help on how to , look at all the reports and extract a couple of positive statements that 's what the emphasis should be , not that he 's a git !
23 And the fact that he 's a left-hand drive he 's erm perhaps not got quite the view out of his offside mirror , or our offside mirror it would be to us , that perhaps somebody like yourselves have with er a right-hand drive vehicle .
24 It could be that he 's a very poor loser . ’
25 ‘ Gossip has it that he 's a good accountant , keen on music , and henpecked .
26 Probably you 'd already gathered that it is n't the first time he 's played similar tricks , and that he 's a law to himself , and comes and goes as he pleases .
27 My own opinion , for what it 's worth , is that he 's a closet gay . ’
28 Well I saw a sending off yesterday on television that er I thought was nowhere near as severe as that and I must say that he 's a very luck man Stan .
29 What 's funny about Frank Spencer is that he 's a fella .
30 ‘ And from what you say , ’ said Pooley , consulting the copious notes he had taken throughout their dinner , ‘ apart from a tendency to sleep most of his life away , his only major problem is that he 's a worrier . ’
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