Example sentences of "[that] i [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just after I 'd finished at college , I went along to someone 's party and I remember telling this girl who I was chatting up that I played bass .
2 The mates that I played football with were skinheads into Blue Beat while the girls were into that pop group The Love Affair .
3 And it was then that I touched flesh .
4 mind you , not that I 'd lite , the fire , not the glow that 's what you did one night put the
5 I 'd said to Mr Palmer in 1960 after St Andrews that I 'd caddie for him anywhere .
6 I mean what about the E I C G , again this seems one that I thought might interest them ?
7 It is one of the most FUN and PURPOSEFUL things I have every been involved with — and when interviewed on the BBC RADIO in May about it , I said that I thought industry and commerce could take a leaf out of our book and learn something from the spirit of common purpose , good humour and teamsmanship — a statement provocative enough to get transmitted , as you might imagine .
8 ‘ How could I tell you that I made Father die ? ’
9 I wonder could you agree that I signed appendix two ?
10 It was at this point that I came face to face with the realisation that human beings could be studied like other animals , and I went on , past chimpanzees , to investigate the behaviour of this strange creature that I christened The Naked Ape .
11 I explained that I was afraid I was jinxed , that I brought death and destruction upon all those near me , and also that I was afraid I might get sent to prison because people would think I had murdered Esmerelda .
12 ‘ My earrings that I lent Mother last time I was here . ’
13 He must have assumed that I meant trouble from the twins , for he suddenly became surprisingly loquacious .
14 Feeling really invigorated I decided to spend my remaining time in the gym and let those machines really know that I meant business !
15 The pedals were fitted with toe-traps , which ensured that I landed chin first in whatever caused the front wheel to skid .
16 I have already stated that I discovered death at the age of six , and also that I never considered suicide as a possible course of action .
17 But I believe she always felt that I had leadership potential and that one day I would have great responsibility . "
18 Her description of my flat is one that I had difficulty in recognising : ‘ We were greeted at the door by Arnold 's housekeeper , Miss Roberts .
19 yeah it might be , I do n't know , I think usually Roy does that but I think Dave 's doing it this year or something erm er that tends to be , that tended to be something that I had difficulty with as a student because again you could n't just sort of find one book that , that covered the lecture course
20 To such a degree that I had hold of P C .
21 It was quite a shock to be told that I had Cancer and that I needed an operation as soon as possible .
22 I knew that I had money .
23 A dietitian suggested that I had milk shakes with raw eggs to build me up , yet , the Bristol diet denied both ingredients .
24 I remember that I had piano lessons there you see and dancing lessons there .
25 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
26 I gave thanks that I had time and energy to simply enjoy and absorb .
27 I wish that I had time to go into the matter in more detail , because the proposals in the Bill are seriously flawed .
28 I wish that I had time to go more deeply into the Government 's failure to tackle the root causes of crime in our communities , but suffice it to say that neither unemployment nor lack of a decent home is an excuse for crime .
29 The ride started and each time that I passed Mum I waved .
30 After supper I was shown to a tiny bedroom overlooking and adjoining the graveyard ; so profound was the silence that I felt part of it .
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