Example sentences of "[that] i [adv] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I love you so much that I just ca n't express it in words .
2 I would n't like to be stuck up in the city and have an being forced to buy people lots of Christmas presents that I just ca n't afford .
3 ‘ It 's because she loves me so much that I just ca n't hurt her .
4 Life got that bad that I just used to sleep with the kids .
5 It seemed that I just could n't turn desire into reality .
6 Also , when I went to stand up I was so whoozy that I just could n't keep my balance , so I slumped back down again .
7 I was so frustrated with everything , my life and my game , the whole scene , that I just could n't see straight .
8 No there are certain things that I just could n't do .
9 When I reflected on all this later I knew that I just should not have lost my temper .
10 The second one : having got over the actual evacuation and the idea that I probably would n't ever see my mother again , being evacuated in itself was great .
11 He told me that he called regularly at Koraloona , and that I probably would run across him from time to time .
12 About the only practical thing I came up with was that I probably ought to start smoking again .
13 My parents are broadminded , liberal and understanding to the extent that I probably could never match .
14 And I said no , I simply could n't , banishing the thought that I probably could , quite easily , just by ringing James back and sounding a bit pathetic .
15 ‘ Well , that I simply would n't have thought of .
16 I could never visit Kyle of Lochalsh without feeling an impelling urge to go across to Skye , and now , in writing this book , which was originally intended to be about the mainland only , I find that I simply can not pass the island by without a further look at its highlight , the Black Cuillin .
17 Like the previous speakers I greatly welcome the concessions er proposed by the Government er in the police aspect of the Bill , although I c ca n't refrain from commenting that I simply can not understand why they were surprised at the reaction to their original proposal , given what had already been said in this House and by everybody that they consulted , but welcome though these concessions are , er I myself find them falling short of the ideal in three respects .
18 I am topographically accurate , I know the area so well that I simply could n't allow myself to make topographical mistakes . ’
19 ‘ I have done all that I reasonably could , consistent with economic realities and legal constraints , to increase the opportunities for British Coal . ’
20 I 'm finding out things about her that I never could have known . ’
21 It was just really terrible I mean the first I was just scared stiff that I never could n't enjoy the dance on Sanday I was that scared of the thought coming back .
22 It did not enter my head that I might have the seeds of a talent , that I too might have a career and that I should be preparing myself for it .
23 I had once imagined that I too might one day be involved in that large , confusing family with its extended degrees of affinity .
24 All my abdominal bloating symptoms disappeared as well as the indigestion and heartburn that I always used to suffer .
25 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
26 But I am so worried now that I really would say , okay I 'll discuss it with Zain but let's not wait until the committee meeting , next committee meeting , let's do it as soon as we can .
27 I feel that I really ought to spend six minutes answering the kind of letter that begins : ‘ I used to be at your prep school .
28 I had a sudden pang of conscience that I really ought to tell them that the funny-looking herb on the left of their kitchen garden was not really an obscure form of ivy and on no account must they attempt to smoke its leaves .
29 So I began to sleep with men in order to discover myself , to see , through their unknown , hitherto unmet eyes , the self that I really was at the same time as the self that I really might be .
30 It seems increasingly likely that I really will undertake the expedition that has been preoccupying my imagination now for some days .
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