Example sentences of "[that] it be they " in BNC.

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1 Not only that it 's they come and collect them take them away
2 Mythological stories about them suggest they are necessarily seen in this simplistic way to reaffirm to ‘ real polises ’ that it is they who are the true inhabitants of the pragmatic world of conflict and action .
3 However , before these ‘ middle class ’ witches invite Christians to work with them , it would seem that it is they who really need to ‘ try and understand us and get to know what we believe ’ .
4 In this survey , I have elected to concentrate on English presses , in the belief that it is they that will be largely sought by English collectors ; but I am much aware of the many fine examples in other countries , not least in America , where such names as Bruce Rogers of the Riverside Press , Cambridge , Mass. , Frederic Goudy of the Village Press , Park Ridge , Illinois ( and later Marlborough , New York ) and Daniel Berkeley Updike , who set up the Merrymount Press , will always be honoured .
5 In Illich 's view , such treatment ‘ is but a device to convince those who are sick and tired of society that it is they who are ill , impotent and in need of repair ’ .
6 Do n't have to talk about an just a good chat you know just I do n't want to I do n't want to talk about good people or all about that I do n't want to talk about that I want to talk I want to talk to that person out there who will feel now that it is them that I am I am appealing to I am appealing I now .
7 People forget that it was they who freed the country from Pol Pot , otherwise many more would have died than the one million who were starved , tortured , and executed between 1975-78 .
8 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
9 These older Shetlanders seemed to create the incomers ' links to the community , in the sense that it was they who helped to forge the reputations attributed to these incomers .
10 Although it was Dorothy who had come to interview the officials at PopCon ( ’ an Intergovernmental Agency for Fundamental Research into the Worldwide Problems of Population Stabilisation' ) , she kept getting the impression that it was they who were interrogating her .
11 The usual instruction was to ‘ provide what is customary ’ , though this attitude led to extreme financial hardship for the poorer classes , though it would not be unreasonable to say that it was they who helped to perpetuate the meaningless and elaborate ritual well into the early decades of the twentieth century .
12 Another English spring has damply arrived , and the English have begun another cricket season , reminding themselves yet again that it was they who created the world 's most civilised form of sport .
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