Example sentences of "[that] is often [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Most of these courses are too short , merely providing the beginnings of a new competence or a new viewpoint that is often swept away when people return to their hectic routines .
2 The fear that is often expressed is that these new forms of cultivation will result in soil conditions analogous to the Oklahoma ‘ Dust Bowl ’ of the 1930s .
3 In two weeks he transmitted an answer to the Royal Society in a paper that is often cited as a prime example of the scientific method .
4 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
5 Insomnia is a common complaint in which the sufferer has poor sleep that is often broken many times during the course of the night .
6 ‘ We just do n't have that kind of liturgy , ’ is the excuse that is often heard .
7 The point I have just made , about the dangers of the teacher being so bound up in her or his research that a genuinely critical perspective is made more unlikely , links to another argument that is often heard .
8 Induction is a final but important step that is often neglected , falling between the end of the selection process and the beginning of a person taking up their new role .
9 This is a question that is often asked when planning home extensions , particularly when space is limited .
10 ‘ One of the things that is often said about the success of British athletics at the moment is that it hides an awful lot that 's wrong .
11 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
12 They impose a particular perspective on the period , albeit one that is often ignored , because it does not provide a narrative framework for understanding late Roman and early Merovingian history .
13 The true price of coal centres on the lack of safety that is to be found in the mines , which reflects the lack of concern that is often shown .
14 A source of evidence that is often brought to bear on this question is the relative abundances of certain inert gas isotopes .
15 Does he agree that those peaceful citizens have their rights too , particularly against the disturbance , disorder and disruption that is often brought by those people ?
16 ‘ NEARLY man ’ is an overused term in sport , a label that is often attached to anyone who has come remotely near to making an impact in their chosen vocation before failing to reach the exalted heights expected of them .
17 Again , this is certainly a worry that is often talked about in terms of mixed ability teaching .
18 Well again this is certainly a worry that is often talked about in terms of mixed ability teaching .
19 It also means a more complicated view of humans than the interpretation that is often put on the classical conception — that we are ‘ naturally evil ’ .
20 The other main kind of socially deictic information that is often encoded is absolute rather than relational .
21 One study that is often quoted by ‘ opponents ’ of food intolerance was carried out by Dr David Pearson of Manchester University and Dr Keith Rix of Leeds University .
22 Most work situations provide people with a social network that is often taken entirely for granted , and which is missed only after retirement .
23 In fact , when a hotel or catering establishment decided to update its kitchen equipment , one of the first places that is often targeted for changes is the method of cooking .
24 The procedure is to simulate the effects of input data uncertainty by a Monte Carlo approach that is often used in statistics to perform exact significance tests .
25 Clearly there are many ways of studying man , and the phrase ‘ I am interested in people ’ that is often used to express and justify an interest in social anthropology is encouraging — but not very enlightening .
26 Another hand technique that is often used is the crane 's beak .
27 One approximation that is often used is to simplify the model by considering only N-grams .
28 Answer guide : This introduces the idea of arriving at the amount of stock using sales less mark-up , a technique that is often used to produce regular accounts in the retail sector .
29 Many people are confused by the jargon that is often used to describe the process of storing and retrieving information .
30 Flushes of the face and a flushed face — a false kind of plethora that is often confined to well described circular patches on the cheeks .
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